
America is divided between science educated & science uneducated ?

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why is America divided between highly science educated young people that are mature enough to accept differences. and realize that differences are necessary. and older non science education people that spend their time studying opinion only. that see difference as evil and are the biggest reason for a falling America. they offend all the educated people coming to America doing the science jobs that they are unqualified to do. meanwhile, boring their children to death with their stupidity. a lot of young adults are increasingly embrassed to introduce their parents to their friends. opinion use to be considered education at one point in America. then we realized that opinion based education only creates stupid citizens that cannot compete on a global level with science based nations.




  1. Great point.....I think it has to do with the divide between those who are religious, and blinded by it, and those that keep an open mind to possibilities which can't always be explained.

    People who are overly religious tend to not accept many areas of science, and any proof that it offers.

    Sure there are other reasons, like what kind of schools the kids were taught by, what their parents teach them, and instill in them, and so on.

    Since our school systems aren't socialized or nationalized, every child can receive different takes on education, and different qualities of education as well.

    Funding for schools can differ city by city, and state by state according to how well students do from nationalized tests......which doesn't make sense to me because the schools aren't nationalized! Funding can also be determined by the amount of taxes that are paid to it for every city. There may be some facts I'm not aware of that influence that to.

    Those are just a few things I can think of, and I'm sure there are more reasons also.

  2. Hmm...That is very interesting. America has definitely fallen behind in science and math. I don't understand it myself. It seems pretty important to me like what you are saying. I don't blame kids. I blame the adults that should be doing something about it. There is no excuse. Bill Gates has been speaking out about it but I find him to be disingenuous. He could do something about it and he hasn't. With all of his wealth, he could definitely do something. I feel he has an obligation to do something.

    Since education is mandatory then it is government's fault for diverting too many resources from education. It is no good to blame people because they lack the power to do something. They are more reactive. Government can be proactive.

    edit: Science and math are important but other areas are important too. Science is a very creative field. People don't tend to associate creativity with science but it's there. Just think about when it comes to designing experiments.

    edit: The leftists aren't the problem. We are all about education.

    edit again: So you identified the problem then what's the solution??  I think we need to put more money into science and math programs. We need more teachers like Jaime Escalante. He pushed his students hard and other teachers too. I'm reading his biography now.

    edit: In our government, most of them are lawyers. I think that is a problem.  Bush is an MBA. Clearly he's pretty dumb. I don't care where he graduated from.

    edit: My dad is an electrical engineer. I hear these kind of complaints from him. He says that he works with a lot of Chinese and Indians. The times he's worked with Americans, he's been a bit frustrated. He won't teach them what he knows. He feels they need to go to college.

  3. America still has breakthroughs in science and math, but you dont hear about them.  Instead, you hear about Miley Cyrus bra photo, or Jamie Lynn Spears baby bump.  America cares more about gossip, money, fame, greed.... than they do about culture, science, history, math.

  4. Yes, that is unfortunately true. It would seem that the science uneducated group is currently occupying posts in our house of representatives and senate, espousing 'climate change' as a reversible, man-made occurance, disregarding our constitution, etc.

    These same people are in favor of open borders, lowering the educational standards in our schools in an effort to make all students 'feel good about themselves'..

    IOW, it's all a lot of leftists who somehow finagled their way into positions of power.

    As for the young 'super scientists'..the greatest number of them do not understand the difference between theory and fact nor have they been introduced to the scientific method.

    Another failing of our school (or should I say 'skool') system.

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