
America or Australia..??

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I really want to immigrate one day but I'm not really sure which country I would prefer. I live in England & I hate it.Might sound stupid but I just hate the atmosphere. People are so unfriendly! If you smile at somebody its 'why you giving me a dirty look' :| & I usually have people starting on me for no reason.

Since forever I've always had my heart on immigrating. I've always said I'm immigrating to America :)

But then I started to consider Australia. This may sound stupid but when I watch Home & Away or Neighbours it looks so nice!! & my friend always goes on holiday there & she said its the best place shes been, people are really friendly & its just like what you see on the TV & now I'm not sure...

Where would you recommend..?




  1. I think you should visit both before making that decision. By as an Australian, I say come to Aus.

  2. I would say Australia or possibly even New Zealand!

    Yes, Australia is very much like it is on Home and Away, haha. People will smile at you here as well :)

    We have great beaches, nightlife, it's relatively safe (just be careful!) and very friendly people.

    If you were to move to Australia I would definitely recommend where I live, the Gold Coast! Seriously, this city has everything going for it!

    It's a great place to raise a family. The city is built along the beach, so we have massive sky scrapers right along the beach for about 40 km! No jokes! The people here are incredibly friendly and there is so much to do! We have 4 fantastic theme parks, beaches, movies and shopping centres everywhere and we have a perfect population. It isn't as crowded as Sydney but it is still busy!

    I don't know too much about America because I have never been there.

    Another fantastic option is New Zealand! Many British people have relocated there because of the low crime rate, better weather (although it does get cold!) and relaxed lifestyle. New Zealand also has fantastic scenery!

    This is the site for immigration to New Zealand

    Here is some more information on NZ

    Seriously, both countries are truly fantastic! If you want relaxed lifestyle, safety, outdoors, friendly people choose NZ.

    If you want a  busy yet relaxed country, choose Australia!

    Word of warning. If you plan to live in Australia, beware of the ever rising interest rates! This is what is happening under our new government!

    Thanks for the question and I hope you have fun through the fantastic process of immigration!


  3. I live in Australia. went on a 4 week holiday in october 2007. I went to california and nevada and favorite place was las vegas, but there is no place like home!!!

  4. Hi there

    Looking for Friendly - hmmm Australia and Canada are on par.

    You will find likely areas Pom's stick to in each country.... did you wish a weather change - totally 8 months of nice summer in OZ!

    While you are young - go for a work visa and visit both  ;-)

  5. I think Australia.  I am a U.S. citizen but moved abroad 27 years ago.  When I went back in 2000 I was surprised and distressed to see that the U.S. has become an extremely rigid society.  The U.S. is definitely in decline and Australia is benefiting from the shift in the world toward the Asian nations.  

    In the U.S. the tax repeals have broken the back of all functions and services  that other developed countries have.  It is easier and easier to be forced to give you pay to to private enterprises run for profit in the U.S. butt are controlled in Australia.    Education, insurance , road access, fuel and energy and so on now take out a far bigger percent of income than taxes did before the nimrod neocons took over. and refuse to provide the services for which they charge.

    Australia, hands down.

  6. Australia.

    The world is far too Americanised already. So you will still get the American culture whilst living in Australia.

  7. America. I've lived there all my life. Best country in the world. All political c**p aside America is the land of oppurtunity. Or Canada. Which is America Jr. I'm living in Canada right now for university. Done next year and then going right back home. Good luck.

  8. In my opinion Australia or Canada would be the better choice over the USA.

    But it's up to your personal preference.

    Because you want to emigrate you need to investigate things such as health care etc before you make your choice.

    One of, but not the only, factor to sway me not to move to the USA would be the "must own a gun" mentality and lack of gun control laws.

  9. Hi you should def move to Australia. Home and away is my fave tv show and i live right near where it is filmed (Northern Beaches) and australia is like that except heeapps less dramatic of course. Australia is Friendly and Beachy and its not as huge as america and people are friendly.

  10. AMERICA! i have lived here for my whole life too and it is wonderful!

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