
America or Europe, which one??

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It seems that America & the European states(EEC) seem to influence the rest of the world more than any other country. If my assumption is correct, WHICH of the two influence the world the most? If you pick the EEC, is it ONLY because their Euro is currently punishing the diminishing FRN(federal reserve note)?




  1. Shades or Orwell - LOL

    Does it surprise you that europa and oceania are in the making?


    The dollar has been the default currency for so long people forget what its like to trade freely among nations. The euro is only stronger against the dollar because we pumped so much of it out there while they didnt do the same with the euro - but they do that now - why do you think the dollar is gaining slowly.

    It doesnt matter what currency you have. Right now - all of them are fiat money - so its just a matter of equalizing the amount of monopoly money (currency) each player (country) is using. Once everyone has the sam eamount its all equal garbage. The only real stuff that is widely accepted because of intrinsic value is precious metals.

    As for influence - its the military that does it. We have our military all over the world - so to european countries. If we just stayed home to you really think anyone woudl give a hoot about us or our influences? Heck no - they would just want to come here and grab a piece of thier pie.

    We have ruined our greatness by going over seas and interferring with other countries. What made us great was that our government left people alone and they could do what they wanted. They became rich, or survived on thier own without intrusions an dthey were happy - people around the world wanted that same experience.

    Now that we are just like the rest of the countries - people hate us just like they hate thier own governments. Can you blame them? I cannot.

  2. Europe follows the American lead in normal circumstances,but russia and China also has a hugh influence,and not always positive,its just the world is focused on America!

  3. China

  4. The truth of your presumption depends where in the world you are.

    If you're in Asia, China dominates.

    In Russia or its former satellites, Russia dominates.

    In Europe, Europe dominates.

    In the West, America dominates.

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