
America the Double Standard?

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so what gives us the right to invade other countries?




  1. Fatugly... the US is the bully.  It has never invaded anyone for moral reasons, only through economic greed or for military advantage.

  2. What gives us the right to uphold UN resolutions. I think that was your question I think.

  3. There's no double standard. If anyone wants to invade the United States they're more than welcome, but don't say I didn't warn you when you get your *** handed to you. We invade other countries because they lack the power to oppose us. Why are you making it out to seem like we're the bullies?


    The World's Only Superpower


    "Only Bush and his father before him. We went against the United Nations. We broke International Law. It was illegal and immoral. We also want the right to determine who can have nuclear weapons. Nations only want nukes to protect themselves from us. They know we only attack countries unable to defend themselves i.e. Iraq. Everyone makes such a loud noise about "terrorists". Terrorism is a war tactic used by people who do not have the military might nor the economic power to defend themselves against us. Every day we spend in Iraq Bush and Cheney get richer and we add to the number of people who hate us so much they are willing to die if they can kill a few Americans when they go."


    2. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) REGULATES NUC's.

    3. We don't attack countries unable to defend itself.... SADDAM's army was (considered) to be the 4th best in the world when we went thru it like a hot knife thru butter.

    5. We don't invade other countries. We help oppressed people. ask the Kurd's, ask the Afghan people about the Taliban and how much freedom they had with them.

    people are quite foolish to think that america does what it wants, when it wants, only for the gain of the select few (bush and cheney). If we don't interdict in certain situations, people will die (or more people). others won't get humanitairian aid (the USA is the biggest contributor of Humanitarian aid inthe world, and we are sometimes the only ones in the world able to stop some dictator or terrorists. So some people should just keep their mouth shut, at at a minimum, say thank you and carry on.

  5. Look you don't know what does invading means. Tell me which country  the USA have invaded and have incorporated into our Nation. Tell me if Japan, Germany, France, England, China are part of the USA because the USA invaded them in order to help them liberated them self. What about South Korea do you think that what they have is worse than North Korea. Why is it that all nation want to deal with the USA one way or the other. Do you know that we the USA help more countries in the world, than they help us when ever we have a catastrophe. I think that you should get your information right before you start talking without knowing what you are talking about.

  6. Because you guys are a superpower, you can do anything you want.

  7. Only Bush and his father before him.  We went against the United Nations.  We broke International Law.  It was illegal and immoral.  We also want the right to determine who can have nuclear weapons.  Nations only want nukes to protect themselves from us.  They know we only attack countries unable to defend themselves i.e. Iraq.  Everyone makes such a loud noise about "terrorists".  Terrorism is a war tactic used by people who do not have the military might nor the economic power to defend themselves against us.  Every day we spend in Iraq Bush and Cheney get richer and we add to the number of people who hate us so much they are willing to die if they can kill a few Americans when they go.

  8. Nothing.

    Well, nothing until we make up bullcrap laws that allow us to invade them.

  9. well, in MY opinion, things that are atrocities to humans (genocide, slavery) need to be stopped, regardless of the reasoning.  If that means invading a foreign country (Darfur maybe?) I think that we don't have a right to do it, but a duty as compassionate human beings to intervene.  It can be loosely correlated to a typical elementary school scene.  A bully is picking on another kid; do you watch, ignore, join in, or intervene?  Obviously the right choice is to intervene.  But as far as invading countries like say Iran or North Korea for fear that they MIGHT commit some heinous act?  I think that we don't have a right to invade them, but we do have the right to ensure our own safety.  Hope this is insighful!

  10. i will say this one time and one time only you go tell some of the survivors of saddams gas attacks on the kurdish people your self rightous bull sh*t if you have the nerve no matter the reasons we were given those people needed us there were horrible attrocities going on there and you sitting on your soft *** think you have done something to give you the right to run down our troops some of you not all really disappoint me

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