
America will weather this new receesion. the chinese buy chep labor, but are not devoping any new ideas?

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america is where its at. the chinese are cool with the sweatshop jobs they get via outsorcsing., the bottom line is that thyats all they get. thet cant devolop new ideas o their own and we can. and with china the oil prices recude profit,

what are they going to do, ivade us over an ocean with tons of people who would get mowed down over a debt? it aint gonna happen if oil is gonna run out and the world is out of enegy, i really dont think china or inidia are the ones to call. we've in my opinion tons of coal to turn into energyy? it sounds to me like big oil is missing out on an unknown piece of the pie and is riding its chips for all its worth




  1. Don't kid yourself.  We're a troubled planet.

  2. Without developing new ideas, China was promoted with their cheap labour by USA and rest of the world. Now all have to pay in the future for their short-sighted, sluggish and short-cut ways of doing business.

  3. First off we been in a recession for years . We are about to tumble into a deep depression . As for the coal who do you think owns the coal companies ? Now as for the national debit , the collateral for these loans is the natural resources of this country . That is why we do not drill for oil in this country any more and Bill Clinton turned the largest clean coal deposit in this country in Utah off limits as a national protected lands .

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