
American Airlines...?

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are they any good?

I'm flying from Manchester to San Fran tomorrow and i really want to know what they are like?

This siunds kinda stupid but is it easier to contract bugs on planes because you are in a condensed space for such a long time...or is there fresh air coming in?





  1. I've flown from Manchester a couple times on AA.  Been very happy with them and have many flier miles.

    I always cringe when I see someone sick on an airplane, as it is a confined area.  They do have air conditioning, but its like sitting near someone in the office who is sick.  Just take a vitamin C before you go and you should be ok.

  2. OMG! American Airlines is the best. I always travel on it and I get excelent service and a great time on the flight.


  4. There is very little difference between most major US airlines.  None of the major carriers are very good compared to the better foreign carriers.  The seats are the same size, the food is about the same, and what passes for inflight service these days is about the same.  Just take whichever one has the best combination of schedule and fares. You really won't notice much difference.

    No, the question about germs and air recirculation is not stupid. Yes, you are more prone to catching germs on a plane. There are a lot of people, some of whom fly while sick, packed in a confined space. There is some fresh air mixed in, but much of it is recirculated.

  5. American is a perfectly fine airline.  You should join their frequent flier program unless you already belong to a partner airline's program:

    All commercial airliners recirculate the air while at high altitudes, with a percentage of fresh/outside air being included.  That is mostly why the air in an airliner's passenger cabin is so dry.  Drink lots of water/juice and avoid drinks with caffeine (including colas) or alcohol.  

    Go to for info on seats (you need the exact model aircraft you will fly).

    Call the airline to request seats in advance.

    Hope you have a good trip!
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