
American Atheists, who is your candidate?

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DNC and RNC both prayed and used the term God Bless America over and over. Yet you resent any involvement of religion in politics, so who will you be voting for in November.




  1. I'll vote for McCain, because I own guns and want to keep them. Democrats have all been gun grabbers for a long time. Clinton had a crusade against them that took years to overcome when Bush was president. Gore, Kerry, Obama and Hillary are all bad for gun owners.

  2. I want Nader for president.

    However, I am so strongly anti-McCain, I will probably vote for Obama.  

  3. The more diverse party with less creationists members. The party where about 50% of the convention attendants were woman. Not the party were most delegates are old white males.

  4. Bob Barr -- Libertarian Party candidate for President.


  6. Don't tell me what I resent. I recognize this is a Christian majority nation, so references do not bother me.

    That being said, politicans mainly pay lip service anyway.

  7. No Secular candidate would ever be elected, unfortunately.  

  8. I am not going to vote

    never did

    never will be.

    As long, the main problem of the rest of the voters will be

    *how strong your faith is*

    to the candidates, i simply can´t

  9. obama, because his views match more closely to my own.

  10. Obama.

  11. No one. They are just my masters. I don't share their goals.

  12. I'm voting for Bugs Bunny.  

  13. I'm voting for Obama even though I am rather libertarian. The Democrats are just as pathetic as the Republicans - not so much for their religious language but for their deliberate exclusion of non-believers.

  14. Bob Barr - Libertarian.

  15. Always...I get where you are coming from here.  Even the media has stressed the need to "speak to the Christian base".  Obama so he can dispel the ongoing planted misinformation that he is Muslim and McCain, of course to placate the ultra conservative right Christian base that wants voice and power in the republican party.

    If I were atheist, I would not see either candidate as free of religious bias.  Apparently they just do not have a big enough support base to influence politics at the executive level.

  16. I'm voting for Obama.

    It is a bit saddening that this "God" fellow must be dragged into politics. A place "it" doesn't belong.

    That being said, I care more about the issues than a few overused words like 'God Bless America'.

    Though I do cringe at the like.

  17. I guess third party. Libertarians.

  18. Politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed once in a while for the same reasons.

  19. Teddy Roosevelt if he decides to run.  Obama most likely.

  20. It looks like Obama for me... as much as my conservative beliefs fight against it.   I was leaning McCain, because I didnt see him as a true Republican,  but this crazy Palin chick has completely scared me away with her  "God Wants an Alaskan Pipeline, God Wants this War in Iraq" BS.

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