
American Dream? 10 points for the best advice.?

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Do you make more money than you parents? Do you have higher education than your parents? Do you own any properties? Are you happier than your parents?

To what extent does your life is better than your parents?




  1. The american dream? it is possible, are we comparing ourselves to our parents? I think it is revolving, PARENTS always try to give their kids better than what they had.  In other words "My parents had a better opportunity than their parents" I have a better opportunity than my parents and my kids will certainly have a better opportunity than it goes on and on. (YES I DO MAKE ALOT MORE MONEY THAN MY PARENTS because they don't workI" TAKE CARE OF THEM."

    Hope this helps

  2. Whats the question here,

    I guess your trying to ask what is the American Dream. . .

    Well, sorry, I don't have time to dream, Ive got bills to pay and high gas prices to deal with.

  3. Every one should pursue a dream--to become a top model, TV host, singer, author, magician, artist, soccer player, Olympic winner or a President.

    Your lot will  certainly be better than your parents' and all it takes are focus, passion and diligence to achieve your goal. None of the successful people in the world achieved their dream without these factors. But beware the high cost of great fame and wealth as they bring about great stress and sometimes chaos, esp if you are forced to depend on drugs to survive. Know the limits and be sensible while chasing such a big dream.

  4. My Advise: Do what is best for you! If your parents inspired you to do the things you love, then go for it! Your life will be happier when you are good at what you do and love what you do at the same time!

  5. honestly the american dream isn't about how much money you have or if you've out succeeded you parents; i think it's simply about being able to do what you want, when you want and just having fun doing it, whatever it may be. of course we have laws but i mean as far as a career goes you can Be whatever you want to be. now that's the american dream!!

  6. I dont make more money. I have a higher education. I dont own much, besides some posessions. I guess you could say I'm happier. My parents dont stop and 'live'. I try and enjoy everything, whereas they dont. Completely understandable though, because they have bills to pay and stuff to do.

  7. No I don't make more money than my parents or own any property..... but you know what? I'm happier than I've ever seen them. For them, life was all about getting as much money as possible. Unfortunately this does not make you happy! I use to own lots of clothes, cds, books, everything....... I sold it all and I feel better than I ever have. You actually need very little to be happy. My life is much more fulfilled without all that junk.

    So, for me, my life is much better than my parents.

  8. I don't know if the correct title for this question would be "American Dream". I'm in no competition with my wonderful parents. However, the answers to your questions are no, I do not make more money than them (I'm only 24) and as for the education I have a Bachelor's degree and they have the same. I don't currently own any properties, but will hopefully be buying a house soon, and I think for the most part my parents are happier than me. They have eachother and a good life and are still as in love as they were 25 years ago when they said "I do", if not more so.

    I'm hoping that someday I'll find the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, and with that soulmate, I'll be rich in love and happiness, and everything else won't matter as much.

  9. Whether or not you make more money or own more property than your parents do, Happiness is a decison. If you are happier than your parents are, it is because you chose to be. Our lives being happier than our parents does have something to do with observation though. For instance, if we have a parent who is an alcoholic, and observe this and the consequences of this, we may chose to take a different route. We have learned from the lives of our parents, and choose to take a different path, so our lives may be "better" because of learning from them. We also may have happier lives, because of technological advances that wetre not present in our parents lives, but make our lives easier--like the dish washer, or the automobile or the computer, for instance. Our parents may have encouraged us to get more education than they had, and so our lives may be better, because we may have an easier time provioding for ourselves and our families because we are more educated and make a better living.

    This is all relative, though, to how you look at life. if you are an optimist, then none of these things really matter. If you are a pessimist, than you will see the world in a negative fashion, regardless of how well off you are, or what you have to be grateful for. Happiness is a decision. Each one of us decides for ourselves, regardless of how our lives compare to tose who came before us.

  10. during the time of parents, the inflation rate was too low but now things r really becoming costly....we've become so brand conscious abt everything....from grossary to clothes...from a needle to has become really tough....though we make more money than our parents but the expenses r too high at this stage....

    still persuing education , so can't say what the end will be, i mean i'll be more qualified or my parents...actually fields r different, so can't say.....

    No, we donot own a property at this instance....we'll try to get it after 3-4 years...

    I am parents always used to be happy.....we never repent on anything, so that level is same...

    life is better than parents cozzz we've got new technology things and now, we r living in a scientific world...the mentalities hava changed which have lead us into a better thinking,....but life has really become family members have become far apart from each other due to different jobs, timings, pressures.....

    there r plus points as well as -ve ones too


  12. Depends on how you view your parents lifes

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