There seems to be a bureaucratic turf war between the State
Department and the Bureau of Homeland Security regarding
visas and other items, and we citizens are the losers.Visas used to be the province of the State Department, and this
power has been give to BHS. The result is grumpy and
mean-spirited embassy staffers who take out their frustrations on American taxpayers. And if you are a law-abiding
foreigner national applying for a visa to the US.,forget
it! The "step-to-the-rear -of -the-cattle-car" attitude turns
a lot of people off, and is costing America millions, if not
billions, in lost tourism and business revenue. The same
might be said for heavy-handed US airport security -
we might be at war, but that does not mean everyone
is an enemy . Being professional means being polite,
among other things! Compare with European embassies
( or security) and see the difference...