
American Flag question..?

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I have a small American flag, you know the kind that's about 1/3 of the traditional size, and it's not actually fabric. Any way, I've always been told that you should take down the flag at sundown and put it back out at sunrise. Should this apply to my small one as well? I hate to do anything that's offensive concerning the flag, however... it's just one of those cheap ones from Wal-mart that are attatched to a little wooden dowel. Any thoughts?




  1. A flag left flying at night should be lit!

  2. no you donnnnt need to do that.

    thats only for like the huge ones people have in their front lawns.

  3. My neighbors here in New York leave them up year round without taking them down. It's pride for your country. I don't think it's offensive. Now an American flag bikini or boxers I find offensive!

  4. that rule traditionally only applies to flags that are on tall plag poles. the one on your front prorch or in a classroom do not count.

    you are very atriotic just for putting it in your house! =)

  5. I don't think it matters the size - a flag flying at night should ALWAYS be lit out of respect.  However my husband will not allow ours out at night at all.  Also, it should not touch the ground.

  6. The flag is the flag. you should take it down at night and put it up at sunrise. if you leave it out at night keep your porch light on to keep it lit.

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