
American Indians not from Asia?

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So then where are American Indians from?

Why didn't they find this before?

Where the heck are American Indians from?

Why do Indians' DNA link to Asians?

I'm Indian myself and I'm about to give up on this study, it always changes.




  1. Based on blood type, DNA, and physical characteristics, Native Americans came from Asia. There are four DNA strains found in the Native American population. All these strains are also found in Asia

    There are a couple of "howevers"

    There's linage X that appears in about 2.5% of the Native American population. In the Middle East about 20% of the population has linage X. It's been argued that a group from Europe of the Middle East made it to the Americas.

    There's also the intriguing argument that the first people into the Americas came from Australia. South American sites dated to 50,000 years ago and the radically different skull shapes of the oldest human remains may suggest this.

    Finally there's the suggestion that the First Americans were from Europe. Here it's pointed out that the oldest Clovis culture sites are in the East and Southeast of North America. Added to this is that Clovis points aren't found in Siberia. The closest in style and manufacture are points found with the Solutrean culture in Europe. Here, it's argued that the edge of the Atlantic ice sheet served to guide people in watercraft to the Americas,

  2. I read this article,,,   and it still would suggest that Aboriginal populations originated in Asia.

    It says they lived in "Beringia"...   this is the name of the land bridge between what is now Alaska and Russia,,,   the link between Asia and North America.

    I'd personally like to research this more,,, the article you provided was a bit vague.        I can only speculate that what it's suggesting as a "possibility" ,,,   that the Asian populations that came here lived in Beringia 20,000 years ago,,,   and then made their way here 12 to 14 000 years ago as the Glaciers receeded and opened a pathway for them to come in ,,, aparently a very small group survived to pass on their genes to future generations.     6 women??

    I'm not sure how they can ball park that one with this kind of accuracy.

    Anyway,,,  all  aboriginal peoples of the Americas did come from Asia.   This article fails to explain that yes,,  these people came from "Beringia" after living there for some time,   not directly and suddenly from Asia,,,,    but they did in fact have to come from Asia before settling in "Beringia".  

    the farther north you go,,,   the more you can see it in there faces.        

    Are you familiar with the "Inuit" in Northern Canada???    

    They look very Chinese......       and then look at the "Chukchi" people that live in northern Siberia,,,,   they are almost exactly the same as "natives" in Northern Canada......

    Keep the hope alive in tracing your ancestry.   Keep in mind,, that with current DNA research technology,,  we are incredibly limited to what we are able to look at in one's genes.....

  3. And it's going to keep changing, until the public accepts the truth....American Indians were from different parts of the globe....Japan, Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia, etc.

  4. No, we are not from Asia nor have we ever been from Asia.  As the other answers stated, science is always changing.  Science tried to place us in Asia and now has changed its mind.  Science tried to say we walked across a land bridge but that theory didn't work out because of the Ice Age so science changed its mind and said we came by boat.  The dates keep changing as well since the remains of our ancestors pre-date the supposed migration dates and rates.  Science just keeps on changing.  One thing that has always remained consistent is that our creation stories have us here, in North America, at the beginning of time.  I think one day science may just see it our way.

  5. Does anyone ever consider the possibility that maybe there was a common ancestral group that both are descended from? That they aren't from each other, but maybe share long ago grandparents? Maybe people split and went in opposite directions. Maybe those who became the Asians wandered off. Maybe THEY cross that supposed "bridge" and made their way to Asia??

    Maybe in the human family tree they are simply cousins...some similarities at times, but still different people.

  6. As you were told, you misread the article.

    Science always changes as new evidence comes in, but the change is not that great here. In other words, when Newtonian physics was upgraded by Einstein the apples did not start falling upward. You need to brush up on the scientific method.

  7. There's a theory that the Bering Straight (Alaska) was once connected to Asia and that people migrated across it all the way to South America.  European explorers mistakenly thought they had landed in India, and that's why we now use the common misnomer of "Indian" for Native Americans.

    You'll get more info if you do your own internet search than asking here.  It's a good question, obviously you've got some investment in it, you should utilize other resources.

  8. Not very scientific of me but meh, religion can provide some answers. No flaming!

  9. I think you need to go back and reread this article.  It stated that all native Americans "...can trace part of their ancestry to six women whose descendants immigrated around 20,000 years ago...".  So "part" of every native American's ancestry can be traced back to six "founding mothers".  It goes on to state... "The finding does not mean that only these six women gave rise to the migrants who crossed into North America from Asia in the initial populating of the continent..."  In other words, your ancestral lineage is still linked back to Asia; but there's been another 'flavour' added to the mix during the migration across the Bering Strait.

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