
American Men only, please answer: What do you use to discipline wifes when they disobey? ?

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In my country, we use a strap or board, but I find that the hand is the best. I ask because I plan on coming to America very soon with my wifes.




  1. We ignore them, here. We only have one apiece, and it works. We don't beat our wives here. We divorce them, at that point. You know why divorces are so expensive? Cause they're WORTH IT!!!

  2. Unbelievable!

    How dare you pose this question to American men only!!!

    Newsflash:  This is the internet & it's business as usual!

    OMG:  You are a sexist & a coward!

    Since you are "Coming To America", your controlling & erratic ways will definitely change!

    If you even ATTEMPT to physically abuse your wife in this country, not only will you deal with the authorities, but I guarantee, YOU will be dealt with!

    If you bring that type of behaviour here, don't even bother unpacking your bags, you will be shipped outta here as quickly as you came!  

  3. In America, women use their foot to make their point and let you know who's boss. Usually the foot lands somewhere between your crotch disabling you for quite some time. It's at this moment that we make our demands. One of them is "touch me again, you are gonna mop the floor with your tongue and like it buddy!"

  4. Here in America, you don't discipline your wife, or it would be considered abuse

  5. Depends on which state you live in. I know the folks in Oklahoma just chuck whiskey bottles at them, whereas here in CA its the men who are disciplined.

    Ok, in all seriousness: this is the best you got troll? C'mon! Be a little creative!


    ETA: LOL so you only talk to men eh? I knew it! Can we say repressed homosexual?

  6. Nothing we just divorce them and give them half of our stuff, then find another

  7. Nobody, save for children, is 'disciplined.'  Women do not obey, marriage is a joint thing, not a woman being her husband's slave.  We have a different attitude to that sort of thing.

  8. In America, the media has found great wealth in encouraging female independence. Many of the men still view women as property (we often call them either "ignorant" or "pimps," the latter having a positive connotation), but women here have learned not to put up with it.  In fact, more and more people view marriage as nothing more than a serious relationship.  Divorce has become the latest option for dealing with unreasonable women.  Hope that helps.

  9. I'm affraid you are about to experience quite a cultural shock, my dear friend. Will you beleive it: in this country women first chase men, and then they discipline men! So men only are able to wonder where did all their masculinity go, poor things.  

  10. omg this dude is the sht

  11. Is this a joke?

    I don't care if you don't talk to the women. s***w you.

    We don't treat our women like that here, and if some guy does, he goes to jail. I'm glad I don't live in your country.

  12. in america men only hit the ladies in bed.

  13. I don't find American women attractive so I don't date them let alone want to marry one.  But I don't 'discipline' women anyways, I'm not the law.

  14. well since you want to be all specific and S**t - how about you're not TALKING TO ANYONE!  this is the INTERNET fool!  the PHONE is for talking - this is typing....

    see? ... another reason for you to stay your azz at home.

  15. You are a very unfunny troll. But, just in case you are serious, do us a favor and do NOT come to America with your wifes.

  16. You expect anyone to believe you? Especially with an American sounding name like "Frankie?" Get a life.

  17. shhh. im hunting twolls.


    you dont dare ever put a hand on her.

    in america, if you do, YOU GO TO JAIL, WHERE YOU BELONG.

  19. Um they don't discipline us....Are country is a free country but if you beat or hurt your wife its called abuse and you can go to jail....its sick how you think thats just a normal everyday thing.

  20. you start off slowly, take their cell phones away, then their computers, and maybe their car as long as you can arrange for someone to drop them to and from work....if all of that fails then you can start using belts, or something with leather (chicks love I'm told).  My wives don't usually s***w up though, if it's a chronic habit it'd probably be easier to just divorce her for a newer model, that way you stay out of jail and don't suffer those broken bones in your hand anymore.  

  21. no body should hit anybody

    its called C A M U N I C A T I O N

  22. Thanks for the points, troll.

  23. Excuse me?!? I think NOT.

  24. This is America, women are allowed to speak to men.  It's a culture thing, respect it.

  25. Um... I'm not sure, but I think that might be against the law.  In America women are people just like men.

  26. I say, you stupid woman, what the heck do you think....then she gives me a stare and I go to the garage to talk to myself.  Then I kick her cat.  That'll show her.  Then I go inside to give her a piece of my mind and I walk by muttering to myself while the cat pisses in my shoe.  Then I ask her where she put my pants.

  27. I usually give them leather products.

    A belt in the mouth and a boot in the a ss

  28. well to start you have ONE (1) wife

    second, you do not discipline them, were are not in the 20th century or any other past century. They have EQUAL (like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit, etc.: two students of equal brilliance.  >  RIGHTS, they are treated excactly the same as any other male

    anything under is a discrace

  29. Scissors to credit cards.

  30. lol...

    that's not legal...

    If ur serious, you don't do anything... otherwise it's classed as abuse!

  31. Listen i dont give a d**n if you say no women can answer. Your behind should be put in jail. God nos if a guy triend to hit him i would get his behind arrested. You must think that your a big powerful man you are nothing in this country but a number. I bet there are women in this country thyat make more money then you ever will. Your talking about women as if we are dogs. YOU ARE A SEXIST JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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