
American/Western Cliches?

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What are some typical Amercan or western sayings/phrases/cliche's like "snake oil", "dead as a doornail", "snake charmer", "the whole nine yards", "not playing with a full deck" e.t.c. If anybody can help out, it'd be greatly appreciated as I want to put it on a American/western-styled t-shirt..




  1. Humm.. well I am from the southern part of the US and we have quite a few colorful ones:

    Slicker than owl sh.t

    Well bless your pea-pickin heart

    Ain't that quaint

    Colder than a witches teat in a brass bra in January

    My wife and dog are missing.. Reward for dog.

    Gawd love a duck

    I could go on but I better stop now.. he he


    Madder than a wet hen

    You think you are sh.t on a log but you ain't nuthin but a f**t on a splinter

    ok.. now I know I better quit

  2. Sooooo many "Amercan or western sayings/phrases/cliches" -- sooooo little time:

    Blowin' smoke;


    Hang ten;

    Bust your balls;

    Catty whompus;

    Down to the short strokes;

    Dumb as a box of rocks;

    Get your ducks in a row;

    Bad hair day;

    Dain bramaged;

    That dog won’t hunt;

    How about them apples?

    A day late and a dollar short;

    A little bird told me;

    Bend over Backwards;

    A penny for your thoughts;

    Stuck between a rock and a hard place;

    An accident waiting to happen...

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