
American citizenship question???

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hey I'm 16/17 yrs old i been living in london for 9 yrs but my pop lives in america (D.C) for about 10yrs hes applied for citizenship for me and the rest of my family to live in america but i need to no what rights will that give e.g school etc.any help is appreciated




  1. If you become a citizen there are no rights that come with it.  I mean, no free college, no free health care, etc. You work and put into social security and you would get a small retirement.  You can apply for student loans or grants to go to college.  

    The one right you do get is freedom of speach.

  2. The one right you do get is freedom of speach - that is debatable and WRONG.

    Protests are no longer allowed, demanding your rights can  get you dumped in jail, and not obeying any police offier can get you beaten up or jailed.

    NO - there is NO longer any freedom of speech in USA and anyone who thinks there is - is delusional.


    Your father cannot apply for US citizenship for you if you do not live in the USA. But he can apply for permanent resident status (green card), but you will have to live in USA for 5 years before you qualify to become a US citizen.  

    You must be a citizen before you can apply for the passport.

    Once you get USA green card status, you MUST be living in USA to keep it. If you leave USA for more than 1 year, you will LOSE the green card status.

    Basically if you wish to finish school in UK, you would be better off staying in UK, and going to university, get some work experience and then apply for USA green card status on your own at a later time.

    One more thing - in USA you cannot vote unless you are a USA citizen. Residents on green card status CANNOT vote.

  3. If I understand your question, you want to know what becoming a U.S. citizen will entitle you to from a scholastic perspective.  I became a U.S. Citizen when I was 18.

    A huge benifit is that you will become elligible for government financial school (college/university/tech) aid.  Keep in mind that most of these programs do not give much money to families with middle class or higher incomes.  

    Most university scholarships also require you to fill out a FAFSA (free applicatiion for fedral student aid) to be able to access their own financial aid programs.  One of the most important questions on the form concerns your nationality.

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