
American computer signals in Japan?

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There's a kid from my anime club (yes, that kid...), is posting something on the website (our club has a little blog for a website) from Japan, and claims that he can post because his cousin has "an americcan computer that gets a signal" (his exact quote). Is this true, because the boy isn't the greatest of kids, and is likely not in Japan at all. My real question is, can an American computer "get a signal" in Japan?




  1. it will not matter if that computer he uses is american or japanesse or chinesse becoz all it needs is an internet connection to gain access to edit anything on that blog or website.

  2. computers get dsl, dial up, or cable

    computers are just computers  american, korean or japanese

    they get the same signal

    whatever the ISP is using

    computers don't care what country they are in, they get whatever the ISP is using

    I am still laughing =]

  3. I don't think we are understanding your question, care to attempt at clarifying?

    Wireless is wireless world wide, you can take any laptop that uses wireless and connect to any open wireless network around the world, the wireless standards are just that, universal standards. Just like your land line phone can comminicate world wide, so can wireless devices.

    You won't be getting a signal broadcast from the US in Japan but i don't think thats actually your question, atleast I hope not, it would take a mighty big antenna lol.

  4. Technically yes,  the radio frequencies used in Japan for Wi-Fi include the same frequencies used in the USA.  However, i've never been to Japan and tried it myself, but it's definitely possible.  It sounds like there's more to your situation that I'm not really understanding though.  I hope this helps.

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