
American fast food tax?

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If fast food companies had to pay a special fee to sell products containing more than, say, 500 calories, would they be more reluctant to sell unhealthy items?

What if a limit were placed on fat content instead/in addition? What would you put it at?




  1. consumer pays the tax in the end! so they wouldn't care...

  2. Great idea. Run for Congress.

  3. People don't HAVE to eat at fast food places. They do so because they are too lazy to cook for themselves. If fast food places had to pay a tax they would have to raise their prices. There ARE healthier options on the menu, like grilled chicken instead of the crispy chicken, so it is up to the customer if they want healthy or fat-filled.

    BTW: ALL McDonald's have switched to Trans-fat free oil and they DO have the nutrition info on the backs of the try liners, and they do have pamphlets.

  4. The laws in most localities need to be changed. Take the following example:

    Youhave  two single taxpayers with identical incomes and the same tax credits. One buys all his/her food at the fruit and vegetable stand at their nearbt grocery store. The other buys all his/her food at the nearby McDonalds. Why is it allowed for most places to charge sales tax on the McDonalds food but not on the Stater Bros. food? I have written my congressman several times to get a law passed that would make it a Federal crime for any state or municipality to impose sales tax in a manner which discriminates against taxpayers soley on the type of food they purchase? Any here have any comments.

  5. I think that this is a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, that would not target specifically the fast food companies, not to mention that they would find ways around it (like counting dressings and sauces as separate items). In New York City, they have banned trans fats. Yay. I think that the more productive decision would be to put the nutrition information on the menu, or as in fast food, right on the wrapper!

  6. If you put a tax on 500 calorie burgers, the next commercial would be:  "Introducing our 4-9-9 cheeseburger with only 499 calories, for-9-9 cents.  Or get our 4-9-9 combo with two 4-9-9 burgers and a large fries and a 4-9 ounce soda for only $4.99"

    I have a better idea: Let consumers make their own choices, and give them better information.


    I quote George Burns:

    "People come up to me and say, 'George, you drink a martini and smoke two cigars every morning before breakfast.  What does your doctor say about that?', and I'd always tell them 'my doctor died 15 years ago.'"

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