
American heavyweight prospects?

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In your opinion, who is the best America heavyweight prospect?

Kevin Johnson

Chris Arreola

Jason Estrada

Travis Walker

I didn't mention Chambers because he had his opportunity against Povetkin.

I know that Walker defeated Estrada, but it seems Estrada is on the "path of redemption".




  1. American heavyweight prospects? It`s no longer April 1st. LOL

  2. Kevin Johnson seemed like he had the physical skill set, but he seemed like a knucklehead with way too much self-esteem to work on a full set of the boxing skills he's going to need to offset his lack of a big punch.  I keep hoping he's the next Larry Holmes, but I worry he's the next Larry Donald.

  3. America has none

  4. Why would you eliminate Chambers because he lost to the worlds #1 prospect in Povetkin, but give Estrada a pass because he is on the comeback trail?  Its not like Chambers announced his retirement after the fights.

    My order would be

    1. Eddie Chambers

    2. Jason Estrada

    3. Chris Arreola

    4. Travis Walker

    5. Kevin Johnson

    6. Malik Scott

    7. Chazz Witherspoon

    8. Tye Fields

    9. Alonzo Butler

    10. Devin Vargas

    Each and every one of them is flawed in some way or another.

  5. None , Jack Dempsey

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