
American military history?

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Ok apart from the American war of independence which America won against German mercenaries because Britain was busy elsewhere and was too over stretched to supply proper troops to batter the colonies! And forgetting the 1812 war where Britain was again over stretched but still managed to burn down Americas white house and therefore claim a victory.

In what war against a half decent opponent has America actually won against without Britain fighting alongside of them (half decent opponent excludes the likes of Mexico and Grenada for obvious reasons)….anyone?




  1. Same question, has the British won without the Americans on there side or supplying aid within the last 100 years?  They could not defeat Argentina without American Intel or supplies.  The last war they fought without the US was the Bore War, and it looked like the Bores where going to win for a while.

  2. How about the war on tooth deacy?

  3. It could be argued that although the British were a definite presence in the Pacific during WWII, it was U.S. Naval power and Marines/Army/Air Force that actually won that one. The question isn't really too good- there haven't BEEN any wars other than the two world wars that involved first rate combatants.

  4. Well lets see we beat a Japanese military in WWII pretty much single handedly.  Actually subtracting Pearl Harbor, we beat the Japanese in every major battle of the Pacific.

    We defeated Spain, how about Iraq in the first war.  Their miltary was suppose to be tops, but after 6 weeks there wasn't much left.  We were bashing the Koreans pretty good to until the politicians stopped our militaries advance for fear of Soviet and Chinese full declaration of war.

    We destroyed the NVA in every military engagement in Vietnam.

    But I like how you choose which wars we can choose from.  Just remember had it not been for US supplies in WWII Germany would had been able to add another notch on her belt of countries conquered. Oh and how did that defending of Poland turn out?  Oh thats right most of the GB military had to escape using Yachts and fishing boats.


    Was the USA alone in the first Gulf War, no.  Who did 90% or more of the fighting the USA.

    Japan didn't humiliate the Americans in the first battle of the Phillipines.  That Americans held out for almost 5 months.  Repositioning until there was no where else to reposition too.  However in the second Battle for the Phillipines who got absolutely destroyed by the Americans, oh the Japanese.  Ok so we lost one Battle, that isn't considered a major military engagement in the war.  The major battles were dominated by the USA

  5. Spanish-American War

  6. Give us freaking break, our history isn't that old.  If you eliminate our wars against Britain and our wars with Britain as an ally and declare any other opponents has inferior, there aren't any conflicts left.  By the way, most of the troops we fought in the Revolutionary War were British regulars.  German mercenaries also fought for the Americans, as my ancestors did.  I know Brits might have sour grapes since they had to rely on Americans to bail them out of the two World Wars, but stacking the deck this far eliminates any semblence of fairness.

  7. We fought the Koreans and Chinese to a standstill in Korea.

    We beat the h**l out of ourselves in the 1860s.

    Panama crumbled before our might!!!

    The First & Second Barbary Wars.  Early 1800s.

    The Spaniards pretty much packed it in against the US the 1890s.

    How much participation by Britain precludes any credit to America?    US just about took on the Japanese with minimal help fom anyone.

    EDIT:  Do any of you know how to spell Boer?

    Dude, are you really trying to argue that the US would never have won any wars without Britain?  Come on, that's just silliness.  Y'all are doing so well hiding out in the airport in Basra.  And why did US Marines have to get sent to southern Afghanistan?

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