
American people are the most intelligent in the world???

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  1. dream on

  2. People who do think that comfirm they are not intelligent and know nothing about the world. One word answer your question.


  3. most intelligent? not by a long shot. the arabs and the indians have us beat in engineering and the physical sciences. the russians are the world's linguists, and the western europeans are the world's greatest artists. as far as most technologically advanced, Japan is years ahead of us.

  4. We're the most technically advanced.  Intelligence wise, we rate around number 25 in the world.

  5. Lol. Not when it comes to science and math. We rank pretty low. It's not surprising because it's been like that for years.

  6. It would depend on what kind of intelligence I guess. Americans have a reputation for being more creative and innovative, but the Japanese have a reputation for being good at math and technology. Then there are all kinds of exceptions to the stereotypes - everyone is different.

  7. Yes that is true... we have a example his name is George Bush.... he is the most d*** a**

  8. USED to be! We've been back sliding rather fearlessly! ;-(=

  9. Ahahahaha great!! XD

    Triangle with no angle...ahahahahaah XDXDXD

  10. false!!

  11. Per dirla con Frank Zappa: "Tengo una m.inchia tanta". W l'Italia!

  12. Duh

  13. That video was some pretty funny stuff.

    I wonder how many people they talk to in order to get answers like that.  Surely SOME must know the right answers!  (I HOPE! lol)

  14. We'll still kick your ***

  15. imbucatissimo dico W l'Italia :P

  16. Ohhh certainly! And the most intelligent person of the world is George W Bush!

    I have decided to convert me to the USA...

    Goodbye Italy

  17. No India has more intelligent people then we do. We do not teach any thing any more than how to play.

  18. Intelligence isn't based on nationality.  I'd probably vote against the people who canceled Firefly, though.

  19. I disagree. Not all american people are cleverm, not all chinese people are clever. Intelligence is nit based on nationality and besides no offense to americans but they get fed propoganda from the media everyday without even realizing it

  20. They probably asked the questions to hundreds of people and took out the ones who got it right. Therefore making the general population of the United States look like a bunch of morons. Now, as an American, I do agree that these are easy questions that even my kids could probably answer and whoever got them wrong should go back to school...

  21. People, including their European partners complain about

    gullibility and simplicity of American people. They only take

    interest in their personal problems, leaving everything to

    politicians, who act in their interest and lead people believe

    that whatever they do was in national interest.

    Famous adage "Patriotism is the last refuge of every scoundral " applies to US more than any other country.  In spite of their intelligence their attention is limited to US and

    their knowledge about world economy and politics is far from


    Javed Kaleem

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