
American politics, random chance or milieu control??

by  |  earlier

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I joined Y/A to help satisfy my inquisitive nature regarding peoples reaction in group & my fascination with sociology in general. My question to you revolves around the "EVER" changing but "NEVER" changing political turmoil now bankrupting American society. So here goes... do you believe that the American public is voting INDIVIDUALLY for candidates of THEIR choice randomly, or has the INDIVIDUAL American voter been so "conditioned" by the "my group" mentality that voting for a particular candidate on merit alone is no longer an option? Personally, from what I have gathered from a year on Y/A's political division I believe that "milieu control" or the total environment control of individual reasoning is being propagated by BOTH the republican & democratic parties under the guise of the "my group mentality". To put it bluntly, are the demo/repub parties really "one" party that have learned to play the good guy/bad guy routine, at Americans expense???




  1. This country was set up as a two party system from the get go. It was always the founders wish that we did not fracture into the political morass of multi party factionalism. Believe it or not the two party's of the moment represent the majority view on most issues. The party's can and have changed over the years to better reflect the views of the majority of politically minded Americans. Notice I said politically minded Americans. Most Americans dont give a rats **s who is running the show as long as they've got beer and T.V.

    So, if you want to have an influence politically, get involved with one party or the other and build political will for your positions by working with the party.

    Ron Paul learned this when he switched from Libertarian to Republican. He and his followers actually have a say so in party matters now. Obama worked the streets of Chicago and built credibility in the party and is now poised to lead the party and nation.

    The two party system is just the way it works.

  2. Of course it's just one party, the Business Party with two complementary factions.  They know they have to hand off to the Democrats this time, the same punks ruling the show will still be in power, but they know it's time to start giving back to us for a while.  

    They wrecked us during the Bush years, look at what 'his' policies have done to the economy and the Middle East, so now it's time to fix it up, and then wreck it all down again in 8 years.  It's the old hole metaphor; the is all about putting our resources into digging a hole and then filling it in and then digging it again and so on, so that we don't make progress.  

    If we were allowed to make headway then eventually we wouldn't pay taxes as public spending is an investment in theory which eventually pays off, but under our system it has to be a waste, and that's what it's all about, waste, to keep the goons on top.

  3. WOW

    Wonder how people get thier information

    First of all the system was not set up as a "two party system" from the get go - it was set up as a NO PARTY system.

    Secondly - the dem and the rep appear to be one party because they are the two parties that are the "middle of the road" parties. You see you have TOTAL government control (communism) way over on the left and total LACK OF government control (anarchism) way over on the right.

    You have various other left orgs between communism and the center - green party, socilist party etc. You also have various parties between anarchism and the center - libertarians, independent, constitution.

    Once you get to the center all you have is dem and rep - the major difference between the two parties - rep want to let you have free business but want to control your moral life - dems want you to have a free moral life but want to control your business - as such - the two of them combined in the center control your entire life - welcome to the reality of slavehood

    If you go back to our founding fathers - and see the system of NO PARTY - you will realize that they wanted the INDIVIDUAL to have control over thier lifes destiny - as individuals over the years we have become complacent and allowed our government to run amok - thus we have what we have

    People shoudl learn about what UNalienable rights are and what they are required to do to protect those UNalienable rights - even from the government - until that happens - we are stuck with what we have - a government telling us what to do and how to do it

    That being said - lets look at your question - you are asking are people voting thier indivual conscience or being manipulated by group mentality - the answer is two fold

    Those of us who are aware of what is really going on are voting our conscience - the others that allow themselves to be manipulated are voting with group mentality - why - because they dont "want to be left out" and they want to work "within" the system instead of trying to fix the problem head on

    I wonder how long it will take for some people to realize that the declaration of independence said we could remove a rotten government by force if we had to. Or has everyone in this country become so complacent they just dont care but only make it look like they do by working from "within the system".

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