
American public opinion and the media, based on class discussion, is so inconsistent and fickle on foreign?

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issues that it should be disregarded by American presidents when deciding national security issues? What do you think?




  1. You say "based on class discussion", and since I am not in your class, I don't know quite what your teacher said.

    However, I do have to say I agree, especially in America.

    First of all, American media is controlled and owned by 5 companies. While most foreign countries (except the most fascist regimes) have public-owned media that focuses on the truth and what the people want to say, America focuses on what companies WANT America to know. These companies are Viacom, Disney, TimesWarner, NewsCorp and General Electric, and their best interest is to maintain a profitable customer base. News stations run by Disney don't talk about high profile child abductions at Disney World, for instance. Viacom companies might not talk about a scandal about their own company.

    ALL these companies cater to their sponsors, and all are owned or sponsored by filthy rich businesspeople that earn hundreds of millions (some even billions) a year. Information, bias and censorship and careful editing is bought and catered by the richest. In fact, our entire government is nothing but an auction, but the media is the worst and most transparent example of it.

    American media focuses on shock value and how to profit off of viewers. People tune in to hear exciting news stories. They don't want to hear what will offend them - the news is patronizing. You will not see footage and information about the globally publicized findings of the United Nations Global Warming committee and the Kyoto Protocol, both of which evaluated that 18% of global warming - the largest cause of it - is caused by animal agriculture and factory farming. Look at who is sponsoring the media, after all - fast food companies, junk food companies, the Dairy Council (Got Milk? ads), the beef and pork industry, Tyson chicken, etc.

    Global warming is a massive and global issue, and with countries worldwide budgeting and revolutionizing animal agriculture - and with laws in some countries being passed right now to find ways to ration or budget how much meat, dairy and eggs people can buy. American people only get the side of the story that they WANT to hear, first of all - as we are the largest consumer of meat in the world, in fact America consumes 25% of ALL the world's resources, though we only have 5% of the population. The sponsors of the media don't want to hear it. The companies that own it don't want to hear it.

    And sadly it wouldn't help our President any to listen to foreign media because not only would he not have the power to override all of the legislative branch and judicial branch if he were "enlightened" on the issue, but he doesn't WANT to be enlightened on the issue. His campaign was sponsored by the millions from private interests like the very companies and figures responsible for media censorship, as was the campaign of anyone in Congress, the House of Representatives, in the Judicial Council, in the President's Cabinet, etc.

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