
American society?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone. I would really appreciate it if you all could share your opinions as to 10 qualities that you feel are most representitive of American society.




  1. 1.  Freedom - even though we're not.

    2.  Generous - to the point of being fools.

    3.  Compassionate - except towards our own.

    4.  Financially focused - everything's for sale.

    5.  Expectations - they keep getting lowered.

    6.  Listens to what the public wants - yeah, when pig's fly.

    7.  Ethical - back in the day - maybe -

    8.  Peacekeeper - except for our own streets.

    9.  Equality - the rich stay rich and the poor stay underfoot.

    10.Environmentally sensitive - makes one wonder what the space program is really all about.

  2. 1. arrogance--- trying to force our politics on those who did

                           not ask.(matter of history)

    2. naive---believing politicians campaign rhetoric

    3. passive- allowing these same people to rape us economically and emotionally

    4. acceptant- see above

    5. freedom---see the amendments to the constitution but beware that these freedoms are slowly diminishing

    6. depressed--cant go on anymore. ;-)

  3. violence, egalitarianism, free speech, religion, individualism, rock music, alternative lifestyles, g*y liberation, women's rights, the civil rights movement, immigrants, hotpot, the environment, art, poetry, history, Roman architecture, McDonald's, Time Magazine, corrupt politicians, racist foreign policy, no class system, democracy, etc.

  4. Qualities:  Generosity,  Opportunity,  Hard Work,  Evolving using the parameters of a constitution, Sacrifice,  Pursuit of your Personal Happiness-might involve hard work and sacrifice,Opportunity to express your opinion in a civilized forum, Personal Responsibility, Education-might involve hard work and sacrifice, or the right to simply visit the free library, Choices.

  5. 1. Idiocy.

    2. Stupidity.

    3. Lunacy.

    4. Foolishness.

    5. Senselessness.

    6. Inanity.

    7. Imbecility.

    8. Absurdity.

    9. Irrationality.

    10. Illogicality.
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