
American teens: what does the presidential election mean to you

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1.Does it actually mean anything to you? why or why not

2.Do you regularly keep up with the election, such as campaigns, speeches ect. why or why not?

3. Who do you want to win and why. Is it just your parents influence, or are you an independent thinker?

thanks for the answers!

i know there's alot of question but i really want to see what other teens have to say about it




  1. 1. I know this election will effect me, because in 4 years I'll be able to vote and whoever wins this time around will most likely run again. This also effects me because the laws and regulations they try to pass will be part of my life.

    2. I do. I only like to watch McCain's speeches because Obama only says what the people want to hear, so I know that they're full of c**p. I had to research the policies of each candidate for Debate, so I know where each stands on most everything.

    3. I want John McCain to win because I like his ideas better. He is more experienced and ready to take on the challenge. My dad explained campaign tactics and what they really mean when they say this, so partially.

  2. it means that im living through a MAJOR event in history!!

    no i dont keep up with the election cuz i have too much 2 busy busy busy!!

    OBAMA BAYBAY!! my parents r democrats so yeah

  3. 1.Yes, because we need someone to fix all the problems going on right now.

    2.Yeah kinda, I wanna know what the candidates stand for and everything.

    3.I want Obama to win because I agree with most of his policies. I think my mom wants Obama to win too, but my dad doesn't vote because he thinks that the politicians lie(which some of them do, just not all of them). Even if my mom didn't like Obama I'd still want him to win, I'm an independent thinker.

  4. I'm in england and we hear lots about your election

    clinton was popular over here

    I'm not to keen on obama , he says all the right things but he doesn't really make clear statements about what his policies are, he seems just to be telling people what they want to hear rather than what he can deliver

    i think it will be McCain who wins

  5. 1. It means everything to me. Most of all it means change. That's what this country needs right now, we don't need another president keeping our soliders at war and spending billions of dollars we do not have on war. Shouldn't we spend billions of dollars on something better?

    2. I don't keep up with the speeches but I watch the news daily and they cover the speeches. I feel that even though I'm not 18, I do know what our country wants and what we need. I feel that most voters don't even know what they are voting for, they are just voting for John McCain or Obama because they just like them. That's just a lousy reason. I'm trying to educate myself because politics will never go away and I want to understand them.

    3. I've always been a Hilary  girl and I'm sad she's still not in it. But I don't want another four years of a Bush-like administration which is what John McCain will bring to the table. I am for Barack Obama. I do think my parents and grandparents have had an influence over me. My parents and grandparents love Bill Clinton so it's no suprise they would love Hilary too.  

  6. nothing at all. only that we have a black president running. i don't really want barack to win because he is trying to win just because he's black and he's only HALF black! i wish hillary was still in the race. i don't keep up with the election. but if i had to choose then i guess i sort of support obama. my mother doesn't really like obama either

  7. 1. yes, because this will decided what we are doing with the war because all of them have a different view of what to do.

    2. yes and no, I usually get emails about them

    3. i want Hilliary; and not because I'm a girl; because she wants to get out of the war so i'm all for that.  

  8. it means something to me because i get to vote

    i'm 18 and want obama to win

    my brother keeps up and he updates me

  9. it does because it will effect me (duh)

    i don't watch the news every night or anything but i have a general picture

    i want Obama to win

    im a little influenced by my parents but thats not the only reason i want him to win

  10. I follow the election largly bacuase I will vote in the next one and one of these guys will be running. I'm leaning towards Obama becuase I dislike Mcains ideas, but I have to admit Mcain is more relistic and experienced.

  11. Well I'm Aussie, but:

    1. Well yeah, because America effects Australia... Not always in a positive way.

    2. Nope... I find it boring and full of propaganda

    3. Umm, Obama already won, didn't he?

  12. Hey :]

    To me the election is a fresh start for the USA. To me the election is NEWWWW!

    I do not keep up with them very much... I watch GMA every morning during the school year so I did keep up with them!  

    I want Obama to win. We've had SO many "Bush" type presidents. I think Obama will be different, something new and fresh! He seems nice and down to earth!  

  13. 1. Politics doesn't interest me but I understand how important the election is! This decisison will effect pretty much the entire world.

    2. No i don't really follow with anything.

    3. I don't like either of the candidates honestly. I'm dissapointed in our countrys choices thus far, but i will vote for Mcain over Obama.

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