
American to Move to Canada is it Hard?

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My fiancee and I are in love with Canada/Quebec...We love the music the culture..I would love to have my children born and raised there. I am a vet tech student and Biology student...I will graduate from both within 2 years. I currently work at the SPCA Houston, yes, I work with the Animal Cops from Animal Planet:) And I also am an assistant zoo keeper at he Houston Zoo on route to become a full zoo keeper in 2009 .. Anyway, My dream is to become a zookeeper at the Biodome de Montreal.. Will this be hard? We are getting married in Montreal this Nov... Will that even help:).... I am willing to work for it... I speak French from France, my family was from France. I am being tutored on Quebecois French present. AM I missing anything to be a shoe in? My fiancee work with a company moving in to Canada about 2 years from now too. I know she may get easily transferred there as well. She speak fluent Eng and Spanish and learning French currently. Advise is greatly appreciated...




  1. If you want me to do a quick (free) assessment you can email me at but on initial glance I would say you have a good chance.

  2. You sound like the sort of immigrants that Canada and Quebec salivate after.  They love the  young and highly educated (and healthy), being bi or trilingual is a bonus.  Go ahead and get your degree and study the Quebec patois. I don't know if you will be a shoo in but you will surely rise to the top of applicants. is the Canadian immgration website and it has a French section.

    Good luck

  3. Quebec has their own standards for accepting immigrants. Compared to the rest of Canada, they expect more integration and are helpful for arrivals who do not speak French. Based on your qualifications, you seem to have a good chance of being granted permanent resident status, but having your qualifications recognized is a whole different matter. Please do your research carefully before moving to Quebec. Too many immigrants in all parts of Canada have been mislead and have a poorer quality of life compared to their countries of origin. Bonne chance!

  4. sounds pretty good. lucky you.

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