My fiancee and I are in love with Canada/Quebec...We love the music the culture..I would love to have my children born and raised there. I am a vet tech student and Biology student...I will graduate from both within 2 years. I currently work at the SPCA Houston, yes, I work with the Animal Cops from Animal Planet:) And I also am an assistant zoo keeper at he Houston Zoo on route to become a full zoo keeper in 2009 .. Anyway, My dream is to become a zookeeper at the Biodome de Montreal.. Will this be hard? We are getting married in Montreal this Nov... Will that even help:).... I am willing to work for it... I speak French from France, my family was from France. I am being tutored on Quebecois French present. AM I missing anything to be a shoe in? My fiancee work with a company moving in to Canada about 2 years from now too. I know she may get easily transferred there as well. She speak fluent Eng and Spanish and learning French currently. Advise is greatly appreciated...