
American troops??sent to war??

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ok so i want to no the deal with american troops sent to war

how do the goverment choose who goes to war

do you apply??

or are you just called by the goverment??

and if so how do they choose who is called??




  1. We learn our lesson in Vietnam Now only those that want to serve their country do it's been this way for many years

    Please now tell me how ill informed we yanks are again

  2. Yes, every soldier in the American Army is a volunteer.  There is NOT a draft in the American military.

    They do offer nice bonuses to enlist and even nicer ones to re-enlist.  They have good benefits, decent pay, and the life isn't all that bad.  It's the actual "going to war" part that sucks.  At least for the families.

  3. Yes, the US is all volunteer. We don't kidnap them like socialists and communists do.  

  4. America's Army is an ALL volunteer force. Drafting is only used when needed.

    As to what soldier goes where... probably several factors.

    A lottery of sorts, perhaps.

    The units function and their location to the conflict, the close the unit the more likely they will be deployed there.

  5. You volunteer for the Armed Forces.  All volunteer.

    If a situation around the world occurs and the President wants to use force, he orders you into combat.

    Pretty simple.

    Addition:  Yes.  ALL VOLUNTEER.

  6. Congress has to declare war, since they control the funding for such things, although the President is Commander-in-Chief (aka the guy in charge of the military). They did this so that a rogue general can't just try to use his soldiers to take over the government like other societies have done, particularly the Romans (such as Caesar).

    The modern US Army is all volunteer. They don't force you or kidnap you and then put you on a ship or plane to the combat zone (although some war objectors will try to paint the picture that way). Some will say people are coerced into joining, but again, it's ultimately up to the person if they want to serve or not, and the military doesn't hold it against you if you decide at the last second you don't want to join (although they'll try to persuade you, but they won't hold a gun to your head or your family's).

    In the event that something went really bad however, the President can start drafting. What that means is that all males aged 18-26 who registered for Selective Service may get called up, and then they get tested to make sure they're healthy enough to serve. In that case it's similar to a conscription army, although things would have to really hit the fan for something like this to occur now, due to its unpopularity (many people were against this in the Vietnam War).

    I think another nation would have to aggressively attack and kill a lot of US citizens/service members for people to support a war. After 9/11, not too many people were against punishing Afghanistan for sheltering Al-Qaeda, the guys who masterminded 9/11 (along with some other terrorist attacks against the US in earlier years). And when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, many Americans wanted to punish Japan for that blatant attack (Japan thought they could wipe out the US presence in the Pacific if they knocked out as many big ships as possible in Pearl Harbor, and thought many Americans would be against going to war. In fact it had the opposite effect).

  7. Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Luke 21.30-36

    Exodus 20.1-7

    Leviticus 26.1, 13

    John 8.44

    Matt 23.27

    Leviticus 26.30-41

    Luke 24.44-45,47-49

    Leviticus 4.13,22

    Matt 22. 17-21

    Luke 16.13

    Matt 22.32

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  8. We are all volenteer to begin with.

    then if your unit is needed you go.

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