
American university/ college?

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when going to college, do you pick one degree, a certain subject or do you choose a bunch of different classes? if so is it really disimilar to british university education?




  1. Usually you pick a degree and follow the utline of classes. Some degrees have an "Option" that allow you to specialize your degree which allow you to take a wider variety of classes.

    Though some students don't know what they want at first but want to start their education sooner rather than later. These students take "General Education" classes which are just classes that are required by most degrees. There is however a wide range of classes that satisfies the requirements therefore they just kind of pick and choose classes.

  2. The first two years of college/university in the U.S. is more along the lines of A-levels, in the sense that every student must complete what is known as general education.

    This is basically divided into subject areas such as Math, English, Physical & Biological Science, Social Science & Humanities, Arts etc and then you are given a list of classes under each heading, you must choose one or two of those classes under the various heading to complete the requirements.

    Once completed you are ready to start your major, which can be anything the university has to offer. This takes a further two years of study to complete and graduate with a bachelors degree.

    Below is simple link to a general educational requirement and the 2nd link is a business major.

  3. I don't know how British universities work but here in the US. this is how it works.  For the first 2 years you take your general ed classes and this helps you figure out what you want to specialize in.  After 2 years you need to declare a major of study then all the rest of your classes for the next 2 years are in your field of study.

  4. In order to graduate from a US college (Americans universally refer to uni as 'college' even if the school they go to is a university) you need to fulfill the requirements for a 'major' a specialization in a certain subject. Unlike British schools where you apply to study a certain subject at a certain school, in the US you apply to the school directly and then after you arrive you choose an area of specialization. (Some schools may ask you to list a 'proposed major' when you apply, but generally this isn't binding or even important).

    Generally it takes a year to two years to fulfill the requirements for a major if students do nothing but take courses that have to do with that subject. The rest of the time students can take courses in other subjects--indeed some schools have general education requirements that require you to take classes in diverse subjects to make you well rounded. Some students take more than one major or minor in another subject.

    In a nutshell it takes an extra year to get a degree in the US, but you have more flexibility and you can easily change your mind on majors once you start school.

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