
American visa?

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i have a cousin back in africa applying for american visa for holiday...she is applying for tourist visa she is 19years old and she is not realy studing not involve in any college or university in africa and she is working in a school been an assitance teacher getting salary of 100dollar per month....i wanted to know if she will be getting her tourist visa or are theystricted? she has a family thr bt currenctly they been living thr for long but doesnt have any rightes or citizenship!




  1. she is   a potential immigrant  unless she can satisfy the   US embassy with  tons of proof  like money in the bank,,,,  stable job  desire to want  come back home  and  very strong family ties    very doubtful she will get one

  2. It is unlikely that she would get a visa, for a variety of reasons.  One major question is how she can afford to travel to the US when her salary is so low?
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