
American vs British T.V??!!?

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Why is it that American Television is clearer and sharper than British Television shows?? Why is it that they always film british television shows in Digital? Is it a budget issue?




  1. It most certainly is....

    A lot of British TV is actually underwritten by the government, so to make a profit they have to cut corners......

    And in the US, the advertisers pay for it to get their product sold.....And advertisers WANT their money's worth......

    Best bang for the buck is what they want, so they go for the popular shows, the best shows, the brightest and highest definition channels that their advertising dollars can afford.....

    And with so many different networks, they can actually target a SPECIFIC audience too....

    SPIKE TV has Automobile commericials....

    Food Network has Food and Cookware commercials....

    Cartoon Network has Toys....

    TBS has an all-around list of commercials....

    And all we have to do is go to the kitchen for a snack while they play.....

    That's why they are louder than the TV show, so we can hear it.....

    The SYSTEM works.....

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