
Americans, do some of you admire the Royal Family?

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How do you reconcile that admiration with the anti-monarchist sentiment of the Founding Fathers?




  1. I admire the Royal Family. I would have probably been a Loyalist if I lived during the time. Long live the Queen! haha.

  2. They resemble characters in a daytime soap opera. They may be interesting but are hardly objects of my admiration.

  3. I admire the Queen. I think she works really hard especially for her age.  Anyway it's not the same kind of monarcy today as that the American colonies revolted from- - and in some ways it seems not such a bad alternative to  a head of state that is  a politician.  I have no desire to have our own royals    but for Britain, it seems like a  link with so much British history .

  4. I just think that they're people who've achieved a celebrity status based on their bloodline.

  5. Too many Americans fawn over foreign royalty, especially the English ones.

    An American should never accept a royal award, should never bow or curtsy to a royal, and should never call anybody's monarch "Your Majesty".

    To do any of those things is a grave transgression against republicanism, and a slap in the face of American principles and values.

  6. Well, honestly don't give the Royal family much thought, they have no bearing on my life in any sense, so I guess reconciliation is not an issue, however since my family bloodlines trace back to William Bradford, were I forced to make a stand, I would have to thumb my nose at  the royalty and say neener neener

  7. No, but I wish I was them. For fame, I already have the fortune!

  8. I admire some of them.  Like, Diana, and the Queen herself. Wills is fine.  Not fond of Charles and Camilla. Nor Philip.

    That stuff with the Founding Fathers happened a long time ago.  I can't see holding a grudge this long.

  9. No problem reconciling at all. You can admire a person without wanting to make him or her your head of state.

  10. Never mind your 2nd question. That was then...this is now.

    I admired Princess Di , but now she's gone.

  11. Well, considering that only a fraction of Americans hold that near and dear their hearts, I'd say it needs little reconciliation. The Royal Family also does not mean what it did when the Founding Fathers were around. If I'm not mistaken, they are more of a figurehead for England, rather than an unchecked ruling body? (I do admire them, I think it would be so awesome to have royalty.)

  12. We dont Admire them all that pompous regalia they put on and go around waving in stuff BOOOOOO. The monarchy doesnt even head the government. Im more inclined to admire the Prime Minister.

  13. Actually i ignore them except when they provide entertainment by acting like pop stars.  Maybe Brittany Spears or Lindsey Lohan could hook up with Harry.

  14. yes i do.

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