
Americans, do you know what is peace?

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how do you expect to get the peace if your army keeps killing people? you must be so proud when you wiped out two cities and killed thousands of innocent people in east asia. I'm glad I'm not american. who even attacked you? a country or angry individuals? I'll be celebrating in middle east when yankees will go home.

what do you even think if you send thousands of soldiers to kill people? that this will bring freedom and safety to the world? yeah right. throw few a bombs and the people will love you. when will americans start using their brains? you'll never win this war anyway.

I'm so glad that I dont need to live in usa. my country is smart, we dont even have a military anymore cause we know what peace means.




  1. It's all Bush's (our president) fault. Oh, by the way, WHICH COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM CAUSE NO FREAKING COUNTRY DOESN'T HAVE AN ARMY?!

  2. BUSH..... Not Americans we don't want war...we know we can't win. It's another V. Nam all over again.

  3. God Bless America.  The United States of America is the GREATEST AND MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY in the WORLD.  

    "I'm glad I don't need to live in usa."  Good, glad you don't "need" to live here either.  Who needs a hateful anti-America such as you anyway.  I actually doubt if you are really from another country or just trying to stir something up.  

    If I could make a suggestion you need to learn to use correct grammar and punctuation.  Is that what you learn in your "country?"  YIKES!

  4. Americans generally are good people... you problem with the rats who controlling the country.. Not the people

    Trust me most of Americans don't know even that United State of America is the name of there country ...?????!?!??!?

    I can prove it to you......

    LOOK HERE>>>>>>

  5. Go to h**l, fool.


  6. I agree with you. America is a lean mean killing machine. Us yankees is home. God bless America land that I love.

  7. These are people who think it is the worst crime in the world to be a suicide bomber but think it is the noblest job in the world to be paid to drop bombs from a nice safe distance.

    That the innocent tend to be the main victims of both types of bombing does not bother them one bit.

    These are people who lash out at nations who are no threat to them when 3000 lives are lost to a small group of terrorists and the cost of 4000 of their own lives and over a million non american lives for absolutely nothing except making the world more dangerous than it was before is a reaction that they consider reasonable and understandable.

    These are people who live in the most powerful nation on the planet and have more fear than almost anyone else.

    They are cowardly, bullying, vicious and small minded.

    A terrible combination in any individual, the worst in a nation.

    We can hope that someday they grow up, the question is, will they do so in time to save themselves.

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