
Americans, how do you feel about creationist politicians and the influence they can have over...?

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...what your kids learn in school about science? Also what is your religious denomination and home state. Thanks.




  1. I think it is wonderful to include both evolution and creation view in schools.  Schools are supposed to be neutral.

    I am of the Apostolic Pentecostal faith in Indiana

  2. I don't agree with creationism, but there is nothing to worry about.

    It will never make it into public schools.

  3. I thnk that someone who believes intelligent design, which as no scientific merit, should be taught alongside Evolution, is living in the past and intellectually ignorant.  

    the Scopes trial was decades ago,  it was decided that evolution should be taught in schools because it has been proven to occur, unlike creation theory which is literally a story penned 2000 years ago.

    I have no problem with intelligent design being taught in religion class, but keep it away from science class.  That is the place for facts.

  4. Censoring scientific opinion in the classroom is not the American way.  Darwinism is a farce, and other scientific evidence should be permitted to be presented.  

    Fundamentalist Christian from Indiana

  5. I'm from Arkansas and although I believe there is a God, I don't belong to any organized religion. I believe that Darwin was right, because there is a lot of scientific evidence that supports his theory. If parents want their kids to be taught Creationism, they need to either homeschool them or send them to a religious school, because if Creationism is taught in a public school, that would be a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

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