
Americans, if you trust the mainstream media (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc.)?

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...please tell me why you do.

Now see how many own the media.

Do you think you should be concerned with that? If not, please tell me why.

For people who are aware and are against the media being controlled by a few, you may comment all you want, maybe it'll get the others to think twice about the news network they're watching.

Thanks everyone.




  1. I don't...

  2. As an example of how badly the 4th estate has sold out,

    Note the incident where Bush said  that he saw the first hit to the WTC on TV (when in fact he would have to have been in on the plot for sure, to see live TV of the first hit) and NOBODY challenged him on that!  We have NO 4th estate!

    The same corporations that finance the "elections"

    The same corporations that OWN the ballot box (electronic voting machines)

    are the same corporations that OWN the newspapers & TV & Radio.

    Television is an instrument of MASS DECEPTION!

  3. I don't trust them for two reasons:

    First, over the years, I have seen how they cover "controversial" issues, like the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Mainstream media NEVER points out the things that anyone with even a basic knowledge of the Constitution would know.  That "gun control" is really just civilian disarmament.  The media promotes the lie that, you are somehow safer if you don't have a firearm.  That the firearm will probably be used against you.  

    And secondly, the fact that mainstream media corporate executives, the top executives in industries like the big oil companies, and many of our best known politicians all belong to the same club: the Council on Foreign Relations.  How could anyone expect media outlets to give us reliable news when they belong to an organization formed for the specific purpose of creating a WORLD GOVERNMENT?

  4. i'm beginning to think the very words 'mainstream media' scare people away because they consider it to be THE news & don't know anything else.

    "I can really understand media members being intimidated, even frightened, of the Bush administration... these are not Boy Scouts running the show".

    (Jackson Thoreau on the 'suicide' of a woman who filed a lawsuit against GWB in 2003)

    this intimidation is outrageous, here are some examples.

    if you scroll down to the graphs on this link, you can see the obvious discrepancies in the number of israeli & palestinian deaths reported by ABC, CBS & NBC:

    shocking, isn't it?

    CBS News, Dan Rather's opinion:

    & the words of an Iranian boy telling YA about what Iran is really like, notice how many responses he got:;...

  5. I do not trust it.

    A free media is essential to the proper functioning of democracy.  A media controlled by a few giants is not a free media.  It is a vehicle for dissemination of government propaganda and for promoting corporate interests.

    As proof, look at how many people still believe Iraq had WMD or was involved in 9-11.  Look at how many people believe the FDA acts in the interests of the people and not the corporations when history reveals otherwise.

    Alternative news sources are good, but skepticism is in order there as well.  CIA disinformation agents are all over the internet.  Many of the independent news organizations have been infiltrated by CIA disinformation agents.  Some independent news web sites are fronts for the CIA disinformation machine.  By delivering bogus or inaccurate information through alternative media sites, the government attempts to discourage people from interest in any alternative media.

    Read from a variety of independent news sources.  Check facts where you can.

  6. I'm usually quite amazed at the number of people who will discount news that comes from "alternative" media sources.  The saddest part is, and a very telling part is, that places like that tend to be THE most accurate of the news sources.  Yes, I watch ABC news.  I also watch Fox and CNN on occasion.  But I also surf the net to check out other news sources, many of them outside the US, in order to get a much more rounded and clear view of what's going on both around the world and here at home.  You'd be surprised at what you find out that turns out to be 100% accurate, from news sources outside this country.  For example.  How many of you remember or even HEARD the news report a couple months ago concerning Bush's trip to Israel where he was heard to be saying that he was adamant about going into Iran by the Fall?  Now look at what you're beginning to hear in the news.....

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