
Americans, is God on the Democrats' side or the Republicans' side?

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Americans, is God on the Democrats' side or the Republicans' side?




  1. There is no god.

  2. God is on satans side

  3. God is getting tired of people asking, which side He is on.

    God is on the side of justice and compassion (I think).

    So work it out.

  4. God does not think in the same realm as us humans, so I would say, he's leaving all this mess to us to decide what to do with it.  

  5. Neither.  God doesn't exist.

    Religion is superstition.

  6. Jesus is a liberal, and there's an entire series of hurricanes during the RNC.

  7. God doesn't do politics.

  8. From the biblical evidence, God is on all sides; His son Jesus, however, is clearly what Republicans like to call a "bleeding-heart Liberal", which is why I am so baffled the GOP love to thump that bible.  Do you think they have actually read the New Testament?

  9. i believe 'having god on your side' was a tactic used by both sides during WW1 and WW2. In fact it has been used in most wars.

  10. maybe the green party.

    I dont think he cares as long as we do what is right.

  11. God is non-partisan.

  12. God is definteltly a republican and we must all vote for God. Therefor we must vote republican. The republicans stand for everything Godly where the democrats are not in support of God,.

  13. This is an interesting question to which there is no real answer, as God loves all people.  I believe God is on the side of the greater good.  Both parties have parts of the greater good, but still have bad things as well.  For instance, the Dems usually support abortion, of which I believe to be evil and a scourge to our society.  Meanwhile, The Repubs are usually driven by oil and money and such, and don't care as much about the common person.  What is one to think?  In this case, I personally side with the most innocent victims, the unborn.  Who does God side with?  Only he knows for sure.

  14. Hello! Other people in the world!!!

  15. God is not on anyone's side, it says in the bible that he is no respector of persons. You are either on his side or not.

  16. Neither he is a third party Conservative

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