
Americans, please answer (election) ?

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okay i am from london and i want to know what you guys think about the election.

who do you want to win?

Who do you think will win?

i think McCain was very clever by electind a woman vice, as now some of the hilary supporters will vote for him.

what do you think?




  1. I don't like either of them, neither espouse the ideology of the Framer's of the Constitution, of limited government with a primary focus on individual liberty and private property rights. Both seem to be attacking that ideology in some way shape or form. The only former presidential candidate that shares the Framer's ideology, is Ron Paul.

    But, between the two, McCain is infinitely better than the far left Marxist Obama.

    It's too close to call who will win.

    I too think it was clever of McCain to select a woman VP, in order to draw in disgruntled Clinton voters. We'll find out soon if his strategy worked.

  2. I think McCain has aimed so low in choosing a VP he's shot off his own foot.  He's handed the election to Obama.  I'm pretty disgusted with him for passing over so many talented republicans with international experience.

  3. McCain will win. McCain listened to the people when he picked Palin, which is what has been missing from our politicians. We are all sick of the hollow promises made by candidates of any election. Palin has followed through on every promise she made to her constituents.

    Obama is a made man, designed and manufactured by the Chicago political machine, a hollow shirt. The truth of who are the strongest candidates will come out in the real debates. Obama does not do well without his teleprompter. He stutters, he stammers and he will never give a straight answer.

    Biden could make no headway when running for president and has a mouth that pops off some stupid comments.

    McCain held his own and so did Paulin when she was running for Governor against the big boys that have been in office for years. Both give straight answers to a question. Something you will never see from a democrat.

  4. it all comes down to still supporting Bush's polices...

    if he can fool enough people by only selecting a female VP... then I will be impressed...

    but in a week, few will care about Palin and it will be onto the issues again... war, economy, health care...

    and McCain is wrong on all three...

  5. McCain will win.  Even my friends that were Hillary supporters are now voting for him. Obama talks of change but never gives specifics or a strategic plan. I think the VP ticket for McCain sealed the deal for me. Even though I am a Republican I was seriously pulling for Hillary after  8 yrs of Bush. After Obama threw her under the bus after 18 MILLION people voted for her, he proved to me he doesn't care about what the American people want.

  6. I'm voting for McCain

    I think it was a wise decision. h**l..just look at all of the attacks here on McCain and his vice presidential pick. The democrats are very nervous.

  7. McCain, he sent Obama running scared on a night when he thought he was going to be worshipped.

  8. I know Obama will win.

    I wouldn't call McCain smart.

    There is virtually no other explanation for picking a right-wing leader of a state with a population of fewer than 630,000 people.

    Which suggests that McCain has such a low opinion of women voters that they would overlook education, abortion, foreign policy, civil rights, health care, family leave and more simply to vote for a candidate with two X chromosomes.

  9. Baracka is un American and anti American.    I am a Democrat who has never voted for a Republican  before.  This time I will, Baracka Obama is an evil, lying anti American Muslim who wants to destroy American.  Check out both of his books and his wife's thesis written while she was at Princeton.

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