
Americans, vote for the right president. we have enough of wars.?

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Americans, vote for the right president. we have enough of wars.?





  2. Vote for a Congress that takes the time and has the intelligence to read reports put in front of them and you wouldn't have to worry about that .

    Read the US Constitution sometime........interesting piece of paper ...........

    Fact --- only Congress can authorized a war , not the president.

    Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to raise and support the armed forces and declare war.

    Article II, Section 2 bestows upon the President the role of Commander in Chief.



    I love all the thumbs down when you tell people to use their intellegence instead of just blaming the president for all BS .................... real bright

  3. Let it you've not only had enough of wars - but the ones which you've limped out of without respect or victory. Presidents only do what the Congress tells them. Here in the UK, the same thing happens...but our 'Congress' goes by the name of 'The Daily Mail', 'The Sun', or 'The Daily Telegraph' - if they're sulky and upset, they get our prime minister (who's in the chair at the time) all vexed, with him/her unleashing rules and laws like confetti...before following your current president around like a drugged-up retriever with tongue almost touching the floor, be it to Birmingham, UK Birmingham, Alabama...or the usual vacation spots like Iraq or Afghanistan

  4. I'm voting for McCain!!!!!!

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