
Americans, what are you going to do when (if) Obama will be the next president?

by  |  earlier

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(I support Obama)

Serious and intellectual answers, please. What are you going to do? Boycott him? Start campaigns? Respect the majority's decision and stay quite? What?




  1. I would accept it. There is nothing to debate or discuss. I can't even vote

  2. I'm going to celebrate, and then move on.

  3. I am sure that the republicans will attack him and the democrats will make excuses for him, same as the last 36 presidents.

  4. I will celebrate. At least we will have a responsible president that can make the economy recover, end the pointless war, NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR EXXON!!!. He will end the corruption in washington that bush left behind.


  5. I will do what every American should do, respect your President.  You respect your bosses at work, and the President is the ultimate boss.  Whether I agree with what they say/do, I have to hope that they are doing what they do in the best interest of this country.  Its a shame that people didn't do this for our current President, whether you agree with him on issues or not.  Respect, everyone deserves it.  

  6. I'll sip my pomegranate margarita and appreciate the fact the US politics has come a long way.

  7. Why would Americans boycott him, start campaigns, or have to be grudgingly quiet?

    There are a huge number of them voting for him.

  8. Be happy.

    Be even more proud to be a african american  living to see all of this now .

    Get involved and talk to more white people to let them see 1 more intelligent african american .

    Go back to college ( bs mech eng )  to enhance my sskills and go for my masters .

    Feel better talking to my friends abroad now .

  9. Support him. He would be the President. I may have differences of opinion, but I will still support the man holding the office. It is only 2 years to the next election for Congress, and only 4 years to the next Presidential!

  10. I'll be out of the country.  And no, this isn't a "mean" answer.  I've been hired back to a job in Kuwait.  I'll do the same as when any other President is elected:  Live my life.  I'm voting for Barr, but I already know how that will work out.  }{;-{)

  11. Ignore him, like I ignored Bush for 8 years...I can't stand to hear either one of these clowns lie...thanks for asking...

  12. Life will go on pretty much as it always has, until tax time, then we'll all be feeling the pain a little more than now.

    But I'm not going to panic or freak out, or do something crazy like move to France, or anything.  I mean, let's not be silly.

  13. Thank God that Americans have finally wizened up and sifted through the republic bull c**p that has blinded this country for the last 8 years.  

  14. Celebrate.

  15. I'll rejoice! Finally, we'll be rid of an intellectual inferior and egoistic spoiled rich kid who has miserably failed at playing President for the past eight years. Finally we'll be rid of a Republican agenda that has included destroying the United States in its quest to help "Big Oil" steal Iraq's most valuable economic resource. Finally, we'll be rid of an arrogant, hedonistic, heinous government that has put its personal  agendas above the needs of its citizens. Finally, we'll be rid of a war-mongering government that is responsible for the deaths of 675,000 Iraqis and [many, many] more than 4,400 U.S. soldiers, all so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons an power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.     -RKO-

  16. I won't vote for him but I would try and support him because he will be the only president we have.

  17. Hide my money!

  18. I will pray for America, if they think Bush was a mess.....they havent seen nothing yet!!!.

  19. Cheer!  Feel good about my country that has supported a real change in politics.  

    P.S.  To Theodore Sebastian...that's fine.  just don't hurt anyone else!

  20. I will be very disappointed if that happens, but I will accept it and respect him as the President. I don't agree with his policies, but I admire his spirit.    

  21. Laugh sit back and watch him and the rest of the Democrats do what they do best and that is steal our money for their pet projects and drive us further away from the constitution and further into the slavery of socialism.  Then im going to go right back to doing what i do best and that is making a laughing stock of them.

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