
Americans, why aren't you voting for McCain!?

by Guest10771  |  earlier

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We non-Americans need a better gawk at Sarah Palin.




  1. I care too much for this country to even consider voting for McCain.

  2. Um, move to can visit her there as much as you like...take a sweater.

  3. TROLL .

  4. I really don't understand why everyone is acting like she is this knockout hottie.

    She's not bad, but she is no Chelsea Clinton.

    I do think she's hotter than Cindy, though.  Cindy might need to watch out; she's not a 24 year old cheerleader anymore.

    And as Maury Pauvich and his audience constantly tell me, "once a cheater, always a cheater."  She might need to keep a close eye on John McCain here.

  5. Because I don't want another 4 years with McBush

  6. I'm voting for him

  7. I am, and I will follow him into war and protect my country from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

  8. Because I don't want to?

  9. Hes too d**n old he'll die with in the first month in office.

  10. I am.

  11. McCain will lead America into the dark ages.  You non-Americans should know all about that.

  12. because a woman with less than 2 years experience who has five children (one with down's syndrome) a husband and her kids hockey stuff to think about...she is a working mother, who is educated...she's not vice or presidential material...she needs to raise her kids....

    and mccain is......well, you already know!!!

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