
Americans: Are you loyal to other country besides de USA ?

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I have a huge appreciation for Mexico

Mexico is a great nation ( within a newer nation).

and English is my second language.

American Mexican

Mexican American








  1. I am loyal to myself and those similar to me, I support my country and have even offered my life in my past. I do not think any of us to be above the other. When in war I always had the greatest respect for those I fought against... why should I have less respect now?

    Of religion. I take something positive from all religions,

    leave behind the negatives, and after careful thought discover myself, there are none I know like me so my only answer to define me is Spiritual, I am the opposite of Agnostic. But I do not detest them for they chose their own path with their own free will as God intended.

    I live on earth, it is where I call home and I live with humans who are not always humane... I am of all races and all cultures. I lay no claim to any specific one.

    You may think I don't know who I am... but it is the opposite. I've never been one to follow, I have always led. My roads have been new ones not the same tired old ground.

    I think only of peace for all and realize to have it you have to fervently and endlessly pursue it.

    I am an American, and I am more.

    --- I am thankful for men like Ghandi and women like Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln... and so many many more the have led me to discover truths I might never of known...  if I could choose another country it would be Switzerland, they have never known war... I could be loyal to a country like that.

  2. Loyalty and nation can bring you in some contradictions

    Thats remains me of some americans loyal to USA that enlists in germans army in 1939 cause their father or grandfather was with germany in WW1 and they usually were from aristocratics families with a military past as officers.  But the problem they wasn't expecting is that they find themselves in war with USA in 1942 cause of their primary sense of honor and family

  3. de USA, hum no

  4. Liechtenstein and Andorra.

  5. Yes, of course.  Sweden.

    Sometimes, I find it hard to be loyal to "de USA"

  6. nope, only themselves

    the american allies of today quickly become the enemies of tomorrow if they outlive their usefulness

    saddam - put into power by USA (CIA), taken out of power by USA

    muhajedeen - armed by USA, now USA seeking to disarm then

  7. Didn't you ask this question before?

    This is what you asked one week ago:

                                          " Are you loyal to an other country, besides the U.S.A. ?

    Show me your true colors!

        * 1 week ago


    Additional Details

    1 week ago

    I support Mexico as our best Hispanic Military ally, economic partner and neighbor.

    I despite cuban communists!

    1 week ago;...

    Were you not satisfied with the answers???

  8. Loyalty implies a singular attachment or relationship in most instances.  One can be loyal citizens of the USA while admiring other nations but loyalty in citizenship must flow to the Nation under the laws and protections taken and enjoyed by its citizens.  I know there are some dual citizenship countries but I believe they are used for convenience and don't split loyalty.

  9. israel.  all of the reading i did as a child and in my teen years has made me have a loyalty to Israel.  Israel is a great nation.  The cell phone was invented there.  Many components of the Pc came from Israel.  In 1981 Israel stopped Iraq's nuclear program.  If they had not done this the 1990-91 gulf war possibly could have been a nuclear conflict.

  10. i am an English citizen born in America. i have loyalty to England too.

  11. Sure! My entire family is from Germany, so I definitly have a sense of loyalty to that country. And I really love Canada, I've even considered going to college there. I definitly get defensive of Canada when I have to.

  12. ¡Que viva México!

  13. I'm not even Loyal to the USA

  14. why would we be? thats why we are AMERICANS!!!

  15. i feel my primary national loyalty  is to the USA.  i also feel a global citizenship that we all occupy this big,beautiful planet and should share equally in its opportunities and responsibilities.  i am feeling affectionate to Canadians these days since they appear to be standing by us in friendship when most of the world is happily bashing us.

  16. I would say Canada, we tease canadians a lot but they are our closest neighbors and friends. they always have our backs in times of war and most especially during the september 11th bombings. yes there were other countries that fought with us but we were so dissapointed when France turned its back on us. we even stopped calling our fries "french fries" for god sakes LOL! we called them american fries-lol, Canada is also so close in proximaty that we can easily walk over to cananda it borders detroit michiagn and one other city but I can't remember if it is new york I think. wherever niagra falls is. so yes I would say Canada you will often hear radio and television personalities refer to them as our canadian friends. its good to have a friend.  :) and from the looks of the other answers Canada is winning hands down.....Oh, Can-na-da-! (dobby breaks out in song)....(but she still dosen't know the canadian athem.)

  17. Canada because it's so darn cute down there.

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