
Americans/Brits why do we lower ourselves in this manner?

by Guest57892  |  earlier

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Every time a Brit or an American makes a ignorant remark concerning the other nations involvement during World War 2 it turns into an online slanging match. Okay so if 1 individual says something stupid on their own behalf do not respond as if they speak on behalf of a nation. Simply respond to the individual. Is there any need to replace respect in rememberance of all those who fell with petty name calling and distorted inacurate historical reference?




  1. I have nothing against the British whatsoever. But your people do have a lot of nasty things to say about us.

    There are questions all over this site that are purposely put there to illicit hate about Americans. An American will ask a question about history or something that is not an attack on the nationality of the British, & the British will come marching in with all of their hateful comments. Some Americans get fed up with this because in reality, what do any of them know about the average American? There are too many of us.  They know what they see on television & it is very sad that some are ignorant enough to believe it.

    The BBC is anti American by their own addmitace. To me that means that it is almost part of the British, particulary English culture to think negatively about Ameircans & hate us. You do not see this kind of thing coming from America or Americans, because we do not hate you, or any country for that matter. I have some Irish friends, some Pakistani friends, some black British friends etc &  from what they tell me it sounds like it is basically normal to dislike anyone who is not English, but of course i know that it cant be true for everyone.

    I think the problem is there are more British people on this site,  & everywhere else for that matter that dont even think twice about insulting us.  But when an American gets pissed & says something back, they cant take it. They want to be able to insult us left & right & then walk away unscathed.  

    Why dont you click the flag below every now & then to see how many Anti British questions are on the American site?  I hardly ever see them.  But, if you look on the UK section, you will find Anti American questions every single day.The British can dish it out, but they cant take it.

    If i didnt know any better i would hate the British too. Fortunately i have some very good British friends, therefore i know that you are all not the same. For you British out there that think we are all fat, stupid etc. try to remember that North America has over 300 million people. It really is ignorant to try to generalize.

  2. Well said that man  

  3. They are just idiots and don't know what they are talking about.

  4. Very well said and also very true.

  5. At long last someone has said this as a question. there is hope for us all  yet. I for one get sickened by the periodic slanging matches, which go far beyond natural national pride. Thank you very much indeed    

  6. I agree with you.

  7. some people take things to far

  8. I agree

  9. Sorry man, it is our leftist public education over here. They teach activism in our schools now and that apparently means be as vile as possible, whenever possible. It is the democrat way.  

  10. You're right. People who say stuff like that are just idiots who want a reaction. Sadly, many seem to believe that they speak for an entire nation.

  11. Some people will never have a good word to say about anyone else. Most of our opinions are based on something that has happened and if that event was not a good one then there is a chance that a person will permit that experience to cloud their whole thinking.

    Shame really but  you very rarely get a second chance at a first opinion

  12. Because of our biased education system, and very biased media. Our governments have no idea of what normal people do.

    The Brits appear to think that they have the only grasp of our shared language, they are wrong.

    For those that think that Americans have sense of humor('humour' if you prefer), we make fun of our selves, constantly!

    Country Fried Videos, Jeff Foxworthy, Americas Funniest Home Videos, etc.. We constantly poke fun at ourselves.

    What we don't like is the constant Anti American sentiment. The simple fact is: You haven't met me, so you don't know me.

    The Brits appear to think that only Americans have Friendly Fire incidents, they are wrong

    But you are correct. Both nations have idiots. Both nations make stupid mistakes.

  13. So now after decades of anti-Americanism, the Brits want to play nice.  So you have like maybe four Americans giving it back to you exactly the way you give it, while the majority of Americans l**k your boots, but yet it still bothers you that every single one of us won't talk about what wonderful allies you are, what high esteem they hold the British in, and feel a closeness to the British that they feel with no other people on earth.  That's the honest to goodness truth of how the huge majority of Americans feel about the British and have for decades.  You spit on that, that's the kind of people you are.

    Well said, Sparkle. Try living with them.

    The burden is not on Americans.

  14. Well pointed out. But it isn't a typical British and/or American trait, (we don't all do it) it is simply the behaviour of a moronic underclass who exist in every land. But we tend to have rather a lot of them in these two particular lands.

  15. aint life great, just look at all the two faced answers,

    it will always be the same  its the sheer arogance of  some of the answers that do it, then people take it all out of context & then you have one big snowball,

  16. If it's just in the nature of good humored insult designed to intitiate a dialogue, what's the harm? Like, suppose I were to conjecture that the Battle of Britain wouldn't have been such a close run thing if the limeys didn't always land their planes to have tea at 4 o'clock.

    How about a question like: "Was the British attack on the French Fleet at Mers-el-Kabir really necessary?" It's critical of the British but it is a question worthy of discussion.

    How about: "What  would have happened if the Brits hadn't come to the rescue at the Kasserine Pass?"

    I would never make any real denegrating remarks about any nation's contribution towards WW2. But I am more than willing to argue a question like, "Who had the best figher plane of WW2?"

  17. I always think its a bit of harmless fun although I have been really insulted by our American friends on many occasions , I don't think they can laugh at themselves like the Brits . But I would say that on the whole we are both as bad as each other . I can feel a few thumbs down coming on now ha ha .

    OMG you Americans lighten up why do you take everything so serious , learn to laugh at yourself and don't be so arrogant , lets face you are on this question because you like a bit of conflict

  18. What the young generation of today doesn't really know is that the fruits they are reaping were bitterly fought for by tears and blood of their ancestors. I had an uncle that died in WW2 somewhere in Egypt and another a Japanese POW. Out of respect for all those that died it would be most appreciative if people would refrain from making jokes or ignorant remarks regarding nations friends or foes alike. Thank you.

  19. i could not agree more with you,when this has occurred i have always responded to the individual in this way,out of respect for all soldiers be they from the USA or the UK,

  20. Well said, mate!

    There are ignorant trolls on both sides of the pond who need to make themselves feel important by seeing how many flames they can instigate.  Pretty pathetic, really.

  21. The Americans and us Brits have been slugging it out ever since c1776 - so what's new?

    Winston once said of the USA and UK that we are two nations separated by a common language.  That's not all, because we are separate by opinion as well.

    It is precisely because we are both democracies that we can freely continue to snipe at each other, make rude remarks, and give support when it comes to that too.

    Ed Morrow reporting live from Trafalgar Square in London to the people of America during the London Blitz 1940.

    By Royal Command - Buckingham Palace Yard 9/11

    and, any American who foolishly thinks I agree with him on every issue, is entirely misinformed.  So there.

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