
Americans: Do you like people and corporations spraying pesticides around your community?

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Bugs were created by Nature.

Humans don't understand that so they are using WMD against bugs!




  1. I certainly like the pesticides used to combat the mosquito population.  The WMD's must not be working there is still plenty of bugs.

  2. Yes, I do.  It keeps the mosquitos and diseases they bring down to a minimum.

  3. No, I do not like it, and every time there is a notice of such things going on, I oppose it, by signing a petition, and calling the city to complain.

  4. just for mosquitos.  I had a severe japenese beetle problem eating my roses big time, including my crape myrtles.  I hate to use chemicals (harsh ones I mean chemicals are all around us) I tried all kinds of natural concoctions, nothing worked, except picking them off and killing them manually.

    I was afraid if I used harsh chemicals that it would hurt the bees visiting my garden, and the other beneficials I saw on my plants, also I was afraid if the black birds eat teh beatles, they would get sick. so I would visit my roses twice a day and kill them.

    it only lasted about 6 weeks and they started to die off naturally.  now my roses are beautiful again.  Oh by the way chemicals have gotten a bad rap, chemistry is all around us, animals use chemicals to fight off disease on themselves or against predators, plants use chemicals to fight off disease and some pests, in fact those concentrated plant oils like wintergreen and tea tree oils are toxins.  these are produce by plants to protect against fungal diseases and pests eating their leaves. we use them as flavorings, and they don't harm us.  

    I sprayed my plants with tea tree oil and milk, and water, (the milk was to help the tree oil to dissolve better since oil and water don't mix.  and that might explain the reduction shortly thereafter of the beatles, not sure.

    it is all about dosage when dealing with chemical controls. many times people use way more chemicals then they need too and that is part of the problem.


  5. Nooooo.  I don't like anything unnatural.  Having mosquitos and other "pests" are natural.  We just don't know how they contribute to the environment and wiping them out could really set the world as a whole off balance.

  6. Maybe you are used to live with bugs all around you. We aren't.

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