
Americans: Does your next door neighbor have food?

by  |  earlier

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How well do you know your neighbor?

Are they struggling?

Do communities care any more?

How about we start a community care program like neighborhood watch, called neighborhood eats.

I'll bring the grill, some charcoal, some meat, let's all eat. Spread it to the next neighbor. Hands across the neighborhood.




  1. Neighbours have plenty of food back in the past.

    Just that while they were eating it.

    The dead Mummy risen from the graveyards were scaring the h**l and living daylights out of their misery that they all have to jump ship with empty stomach.

    Luke 9.60

  2. yup, this concept exists in Islam.In Islam you are not allow to eat if your neighbor is hungry but until you share your food with your neighbor.

  3. this is g*y. my neighbors a stoner/drunkie

  4. That's a great point.  My computer won't let me star questions, so let me just compliment you on your humanity.  Peace

  5. I live out in the country. We all work. Those starving people you are worried about have welfare, food stamps, food pantries, free medical care, subsidized housing, and many other handouts paid for by us working people. Let them feed you.

  6. Yeah, I fed her some tube steak the other day.

  7. Actually, My house seems to be buffet central around here.  I'm in college and most of my friends are always broke and wind up here for a meal.  They all know that if I have food, even only a little bit, I'm always willing to share.  I don't think anyone should go hungry.  Well, except for the crack head next door.  He could starve to death on my doorstep and I wouldn't give HIM a crumb.  He killed one of my cats.  He's proud of it too.  Brags about it.  Fortunately the rest avoid him.

  8. Good fences make good neigbhors...

  9. Let's all sing cumbaya too.....

  10. That's called a block party and neighborhood still have them.

  11. Yes.

    I live next door to a restaruant.


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