
Americans Lack Health Insurance. Should We Continue To Pay For Others Health Care?

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According to several studies many Americans lack health insurance. However the number of people not receiving health care is typically small. Health providers are reluctant to deny treatment to anybody in need which I see as a good thing.

Will you prefer to pay for their health care through your private insurance bills or through the tax bill? What would be the best ways to address the health needs of these patients and how could the Government help? After all shouldn't they?




  1. I have no idea what RWLake is talking about, and I suspect neither does he.  The majority of people who do not have health insurance in the United States work.  They would like to have access to health care, but without insurance a lower-middle-class person cannot possibly afford to see a doctor.  And when they do finally go to the emergency room because their illness is so severe that their lives are at risk, the treatment they receive becomes a lot more expensive.  People are forced to declare bankruptcy over these bills.  This doesn't happen anywhere else in the world.

    If you believe that an abstract concept like "people should take care of themselves" is more important than the very lives of your fellow citizens, then you are a bad person.  I don't care about ideology.  People need health care, and as a society socialized care is both cheaper over all and covers more people than what we have now.

  2. No, the government should not help people get health care; that's called tolerating the moochers.  The people who can't afford it need to get an education and a real job, and maybe work hard like the rest of the nation who can afford it.  

    Or get a job that includes health insurance.  Stop being a moocher and relying on government to control your life.

  3. First we always need to recognize the fact that there is a certainly % of people who have the resources available to obtain insurance but choose not to. Could be the rich who can self insure. Unfortunately there are others who can afford it but would rather try to get it free. However, putting those two groups aside my belief is each individual needs to care for them self. Having said that I believe the ultimate solution to this issue is education. The success of any individual is their ability to offer a solid reason for an employer to hire them. In order to get a satisfying and rewarding job each person has the responsibility to prepare them self for the work market. Its not good enough to say I don't have the skills, education, good fortune to get the job I want. We have to be responsible for our ability to get that job. Of course this entire process starts with the parents. I could go on and on. Bottom line, an individual should not follow the line of reason that some one else should provide for me. We need to make it happen. A huge side effect is we gain self confidence and life satisfaction when We make it happen.

  4. Keep the government out of health care.  Do you want it messed up like social security or any other Fed agency!! What would solve our problems with health care is keeping the illegals from overburdening our system, that includes health, education and welfare.  Let's get back to LEGAL immigration again.

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