
Americans (United States): What do you think about Indians (India) people?

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I have seen much hatred towards the race, I mean STRONG hatred by many people where I live so I want to ask you guys a question.

I have many Indian friends and they are awesome people and well, some Indian girls I have seen are ATTRACTIVE! >.<

1. Is it true that in NYC, Indian people are looked as terrorists?

2. Why do some of my fellow Americans hate Indian people so much? What have they done to us? please tell.

3. Why are Indian people negatively stereotyped?

4. What do YOU think about Indian People?

I am not Indian but I have many friends, some Hispanic kid called my Indian friend curry s***, I cussed the kid out and roasted him but anyways. Answer my question, also when I say Indian females are hot

this is what I mean




  1. that girl is attractive but i find it hard to believe she is indian and some of us hate them because they want to live in AMERICA and they want all there RIGHTS yet they think they should get special freedoms and most of them dont even stand during the national anthem or say the plegde of alliagance when its time. so they want to live here and have all there rights but not have to respect our country. and that opion is based on 7 muslim kids in my class who do that and call it Indian Pride. I am going to be a sophmore. But to anwser your question, that is why we show hatred to some Indians

  2. Coz Indians look similar to Arab people &amp; can be mistaken as terrorist also not to mention Osama Bin Laden is a South Asian.

    I agree with you.  Indian girls are really pretty &amp; one example is the picture of your friend that you posted there.

  3. I get upset at the ones that sell garbage in the inner city grocery stores and charge high prices for it, ie rotted produce, surgery water colored juice drinks, cigs and alcohol to minors minors and spoiled meats.  A good Muslim would never sell another human being c**p. If you won&#039;t sell it your race, don&#039;t sell it to anothers!!!!!

  4. 1. I wouldn&#039;t know, I live in CA.

    2. I have no clue at all! Its weird.

    3. Maybe the accent?

    4. Awesome culture. Cool language. Great food. Very beautiful people (you got that right! She is gorgeous.)

  5. i think since 9/11 indian people do get a bad rap. its awful but thats the world we live in. oh yea and she is attractive.

  6. I don&#039;t have a problem with any race. It&#039;s pointless to ask why one hates another&#039;s race. Hatred and racism is set in the minds of American people and there is nothing anyone can do to change it. Change will come with time for those who change themselves.

    she&#039;s very pretty...

  7. i am an american. some people are ignorant an judge by a stereotype that isn&#039;t true. people think they are terorists but taht country had nothing to do with 9/11 people are judging by how they look and tehy are ignorant. they shuld judge by charater. and you&#039;re right a lot of middle eastern women are prettty. i noticed that too.

  8. i like them

  9. Indians are beautiful people!! There way of life, their dance, and their spirit...I love it :)

  10. The many I have come across are racist and live by a bullshit caste system.

  11. i think of them just as anyone else...i look at them no differently..

  12. I&#039;m Indian, and don&#039;t feel hated at all, and I live in Georgia(where racism is still somewhat prevalent).

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