
Americans: What is the difference between Republican and Democrat?

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And which would you use to describe yourself?




  1. Republicans are elephants.

    Democrats are jackasses.

  2. Republicans are for business and Democrats are for society, the middle class. I am a Democrat.

    Read the dictionary. it states it quite plainly.

  3. You know....I have a lot in common with both parties.

    Democrats want to run my life according to their values.

    Republicans want to run my life according to their values.

    I want to run my life according to my values.  

    The only major difference between those two parties is over which one gets to control the lives of others.  

  4. The Democrats are against the Republicans and the republicans are against the Democrats.  Since virtually all of us are weak about making a decision except picking one of two, there are really only two parties and these are the current names for those parties.  Other than that, the party in power wastes money and the party out of power claims that a change is needed.

  5. One has a party that tries to take the country seriously.

    The other is seeing the end of a fourty year champion trainwreck.

  6. I'm a conservative that frequently votes for Republicans.

    Unfortunately, for the past 8 years, there hasn't hardly been a l**k of difference between Democrats and Republicans, other than the rhetoric.  

    Democrats tend to run on the idea that the government is the best way to meet individual needs: programs paid for by taxes, redistributing wealth from earners to the idle, and soft soft soft on national defense.

    Republicans tend to run on the idea that the individual will be fine, so long as the government does not burden them with excessive taxation.  The Republicans tend to support private market solution (businessess creating wealth and jobs, instead of the government creating...(usually squalor, for people who rely on it).  The Republicans are for a strong national defense, and the protection of our borders and our traditional way of life.

  7. Republicans think the individual should serve the state; Democrats think the state should serve the individual. They're both wrong. Libertarians think that everyone should just mind their own G.D. business.

  8. Republican: stay in Iraq, anti-abortion, right of arms

    Decmocrat: be chickens and come out of war, kill babies (aka abortion), g*y people should be able to get married, gun control

    i'm republican

  9. I'm assuming you're asking for an objective answer and I'll give you one.

    Republican hold the belief that things should be equal: flat taxes, etc.

    Democrats hold the belief that things should be fair: higher taxes for higher income, the rich should help the poor, etc.

    Republicans want things to stay the same and want government to be less involved in the peoples day to day lives.

    Democrats want things to change (for the better in their opinion) and want government to step in and help the people.

    I am an Independent.  

    While I agree Democratic values like helping the less fortunate, and not enforcing certain morals like anti-abortion (though I am personally anti-abortion) and the right of g**s to marry, I agree with Republican values like the government shouldn't be so involved in our daily lives and i agree with a flat tax.

    Both parties have their strong points in my opinion.

    Ironically enough, I'm not a neo-con (new world Republican), but if you like historically at politics, I wouldn't be so in the middle, I'd be more Republican.  I tend to vote Democrat more than Republican.

  10. If you are among the 26% that believe this country is headed in the right direction, you are a republican.

    If not, you SHOULD be a democrat.

  11. Republicans want people to make decisions and do things for themselves and not take away from other to give to those who don't deserve it.

    Democrats are the opposite. They want to make your choices for you. If you don't want to work or you don't want to support your family, that's okay with democrats, they'll just take more taxes from the people who do work to bail out the lazy ones.

    Edit: They say democrats are "caring". But giving people the means to stay in a unproductive lifestyle is not caring. Giving them a reason to get out and work and be self-sufficent, is.

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