
Americans: What will war with Russia be like?

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And do you think China and Russia will combine their efforts against us?




  1. World War 3.

    China, Russia, Iran, North Korea


    U.S., U.K., Georgia, France. Remember US has an army 10 times better than any other countries technology wise.

  2. china,russia,india,iran,syria,turkey,pak...


    usa,european states.

    then bye bye human race.

  3. Very good question! China will get involved as soon as the Olympics are over, China has full concentration on this event. The US is strained by land combat with Iraq and Afghanistan. I only see a land combat if all of the US troops are ripped from the region to support Poland. I don't think that will happen, simply because for one thing the US has dropped allot of funding for land type attack manufacturing, for example, the Hummer etc.... The US has a bigger purpose in Iraq, which is a mistake because Iraq does not have the oil resource that the US thought it did. I suspect a missile attack by the US if Russia bombs Poland. Russia will be overwhelmed by the second day and then launch Nuclear Warheads to the United States and vise versa. Life as we know it will end, some will survive and allot will parish. I hope I am very wrong with this prediction!

  4. We must make sure Christopher Walken is secured before war with Russia.  War is inevitable, but I doubt we will have enough money to be relevant for WWIII.

  5. it would suck for the Europeans because that's where it will probably take place.  it wont be fought here in the USA, and if Russia and the USA decide to use nukes, the whole world is dead

  6. Yes, America is currently in billions if not trillions of dollars in debt, spending money in 2 wars, have troops/equipment being used/damaged.

    America is in a weak state, so war with Russia will mean bye bye America

  7. War with Russia would mean bye bye Russia, and bye bye USA.


  8. War with Russia would mean bye bye Russia, and bye bye USA.

  9. I don't understand why everyone thinks the US is going to go to war with Russia. In the early 60s we had the cuban missile situation. We had years of the cold war with our nukes pointed at each other, and we never went to war with each other. I don't think it will happen this time either.  

  10. It depends on whether we allow the politicians to run it or unleash the US military. The Russian military is very poorly trained, full of drunks, and is supplied with junk equipment. It will not be easy, but they will be defeated. China will sit back and collect the money as they are now. They are getting wealthy on US dollars and will not throw that away just to help their commie neighbor.

  11. Very brief and very, very hot.

    Like two suicide bombers trying to blow each other up.

    Why would China want war with the US? China increasingly has prestige, wealth and technology. All China needs to do is sit back and let its population reproduce it into the worlds richest country.

  12. America is far too weak to go against Russia. Russia is a very strong nation.

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