
Americans: Will you allow an implanted microchip during your lifetime?

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Americans: Will you allow an implanted microchip during your lifetime?




  1. Anything that can be used can also be abused.

    No I wouldn't consent to this.

  2. I am sure if it ever came down to that we wouldn't have a choice it would be used as a "Homeland Security" detector and all the Patriots would line up to get the ol red, white, and blue in their already brainwashed heads. God even the Russians have more freedom than we do. How did that happen? Oh yeah 9-11. Please don't forget that the attack that is bigger and going to pale in comparison to 9-11 quote Bush State of The Union Address a couple of days ago to keep us from suing the Telecoms illegally tapping our calls...uh  are the telephone operators going to pick up M16's

    since all our military and National Gaurd are NOT HERE! Is this the real thing Mr. Bush and how do you know about this upcoming attack in advance thanks for the warning...we heard it on a tape from Osama bin Laden like several months before promising the same thing. So did you just call Uncle or is it another fear card tactic. A little Nuke on your own near miss and blame it on a terrorist might get you your old Mission Accomplished glory back or just please exit the building. Unless you end up in the Bunker like Hitler.

  3. With cell phones as common as they are, microchips aren't needed.

  4. Never, never, never.

  5. h**l No!  They will have to kill me first.

  6. NEVER, EVER, EVER!!!!! Not my children or my family would allow it either!

  7. Nope, either me or my son....till I am in the ground & buried!

  8. h**l no!!!!!! that's the kind of stuff that makes you be a "freedom fighter".

  9. We say no now but I'm sure some where down the line they will figure out a way in to scaring us in to Allowing it.

  10. We don't need them, as long as we use our credit cards the government knows where we were and what we buy.

  11. to me it's not really a issue of government keeping tabs on me, it has to due with bible prophecy about being marked by the beast. if you believe in that sort of thing,  but to each his own

  12. Well that is the plan, to get half of Americans to be more receptive Their going to put it up their back sides Now they are trying to find a way to get us neocons to buy into it What they haven't thought about many of the liberals well be back every day to get their chip

  13. absolutely not!  if it is implanted against my will, I have an obligation to my God to cut it out!

  14. Americans may not want to be implanted with a chip now, but they will.  Or some form of device to track and ID them.

    They will want it for the same reason why Americans wanted their rights stripped from them through such legislation as the Patriot Act.  

    The US gov't flattened 2 of their own buildings to the ground back in 2001 in order to get the American people to gladly hand over their rights and freedoms.  Who knows what's next?  Maybe a nuclear terrorsit attack on the US would be enough to persuade the American people to be tracked by Big Brother 24/7.

    Fear and manipulation can make a person do anything.

  15. Wont need one.

    However, we will need a identification card with rfid, hi res picture, genetic information, fingerprint, ss number, race of family background, mental & medical records, and any other info the department of homeland security wishes. This wil include how many firearms you own, what kind, who you voted for, and a few megabits of updatable storage for other info, such as comments.

    It will ultimately contain our financial information, with subscriptions to serevivces such as mastercard, and visa. So it will be our source for money, and identification.

    To make things worse, it could be in the form of a cell phone (which allready has gps by law, and also by law, can be turned on without you knowing (listening in))

    IMPLANTS, people will see as big brother. However if you take all that same info, and require it in a national id, they call you a conspiracy theorist if you connect the two.

  16. No God say best...I will die for one else... I will bow to none but Him...

  17. Sure if I can get my dignity back

  18. No, but I do like the idea of a  card similar to a credit card that would hold all medical information thus providing instant access to health care providers of past history, procedures and medications.

  19. Not in me, not in my children.

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