
Americans are associating Palin as an outsider who was not welcomed to dinner. ?

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Do you think that this is a plan divert voters concerns for the economy?




  1. How is this Etiquette?

    "Americans are associating Palin as an outsider who was not welcomed to dinner."  

    Your statement is inherently false.  All Americans are not treating her like an outsider.  That's fairly obvious by her nomination that could put her in the most powerful position in the world in the blink of an eye.  

    "Do you think that this is a plan divert voters concerns for the economy?"

    A plan by whom, exactly?  

    No, I do not think it's a plan to divert concerns about the economy.

  2. I think it's a bold, clever choice and one that is problematic for the Democrats.

    Even as a short-term governor, she's had more executive experience and run a larger organization than anything Obama has done. She was bold enough to take on corruption in her own party and she's turned down money from Washington. She seems a no-bull person.

    I don't share the values of the Republican Party, but if I were an American voter, I would seriously have to consider the McCain ticket now. It seems to have more practicality to it. And for those parts of the platform I disagree with, I would rely on the Democratic-lead Congress to keep McCain from implementing.

    I don't think the Oval Office is a place for on-the-job training, and that seems to be what it would be for Obama. I don't see that he's done much as a Senator (state and federal) other than run for office. I am not impressed.

  3. no i think its a plan to make mccain seem like hes in the 21st century since his biggest competition was a women and a black man...i thought that was obvious  

  4. I don't believe you are making a true statement.

    Gov. Palin seems to be very much in tune with the country.

    Your question make you seem like the outsider.

  5. Well that is just an uneducated question.  Bone up on politics.  I am frightened that people with this mentality are actually able to vote.

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