
Americans condemning Palin or themselves?

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She's real life, gotta love that. Every vulgar, hateful and disrespectful post reflects the true morality of the people.




  1. This is the party of "Change" . I see Obama on the news smirking and saying families are off limits.I wonder,is this the "change" we are really looking for?Can America afford this for our future?

  2. I am a Obama supporter and no i don't criticize her for this, nor do most Obama supporters i know.  I, like many others don't care to much about the situation.  Could she have done a better chance preventing her daughter from doing this? perhaps, does it show her policies and ideals? absolutely not.  I am against her because of things she has done and because of things she supports and wants to do.  As for the media, please grow up and get over it, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are running for president  or vice president, there are always going to be media against you and for you.  

    You act like the media is working for Obama and that they haven't reported anything wrong with him.  What about when the media made a huge deal about "The flag Pin" incident or the "hand over your heart" , or the photo of Obama in Kenya dressed in a traditional garb.  Or all the reports and lies that Obama is some kind of secret Muslim socialist terrorist that wants to kill Jews.  Do you right wingers even remember any of that?  The media isn't reporting about Bristol because they are Obama supporters, they are reporting about her because thats what the media does when they think its a big story.  Obama has suffered just as much criticisms from the media as anyone else you idiots.  And besides, has Obama criticized Palin about this? has he even criticized her at all? and when is the last time you have seen an attack add on either McCain or Palin?  I haven't seen a single one,  i only see attack adds from the McCain campaign.

    I don't even know why i wrote this much, you thick headed republicans won't change your minds, you just assume that republicans are always right about everything.  If the republicans are better at handling national security, then why wasn't bush able to prevent 911? why are there even more terrorists now than before bush came into power?  And if the Bush economic Policies are so great then why is our country 53 trillion dollars in debt? why are there so many unemployed and homeless? why has the crime rate gone up so much?    If you ask any American history Proffesor, especially modern history(and the person cannot favor either democrats or republicans)  about when the economy was best, you will find out that throughout Modern history, the economy usually did much better under a Democratic president than a Republican one.   I hope this will convince some undecided voters.

  3. I was on the fence over this. after seeing how they are attcking her daughter and her. I am done. I am a republican now.

    you didnt see the republicans go after obama when he said his daughter listens to snoop dog and has a problem saying the fword when singing along? nope\!

    we could! but we have common sense, something an obama supporter seems not to have.

    I love the ones here who say, "well its shows her parents didnt raise her right"

    But yet these peoples parents didnt raise them right or they wouldnt be in here calling bristol a w***e.

    these attacks in here are viscous! and they try to say its a "moral" issue! LOLOLOL

  4. I think she is just wonderful. I heard her speak several months ago and thought a lot of her then. I sure hope she ends up as our VP

  5. Wait a minute, did you have that opinion when the same thing happened to Obama family, friends and associates? I think not.

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