
Americans; did you realize that every time we buy Budweiser, that money is being turned into Euro's?

by Guest57256  |  earlier

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it was sold to a Belgium company. how is this helpful to the USA economy? and do we really want to hire one of the owners husbands to be the President of the USA?




  1. Some of my favorite beers are Belgian, anyway.

    Mrs. McCain's Bud business is as a distributor, by the way.

  2. and we still want to stay in this country anyway, right?

  3. I have three friends employed by Budweiser and they are still being paid in American dollars. We are lucky China didn't buy it like they are buying the country and the government.

  4. Yes I realized this.  It's called globalization.  When you by an "American" car much of the money is going to Mexico for parts and labor - just check the list on the sticker price.  The USA economy does not operate in a vacuum - we wouldn't be having as many problems if we weren't in a war wasting money and p*ssing off half the world.

  5. Yes?  And when you buy anything else the money gets converted to yuan.  It's globalization, although in Budweiser's case it was less voluntary than a move made because of bad money management.  We do live in a capitalist society; anyone who is able to buy a company, can.  I don't see how the it matters its connection to any presidential candidates, but I've failed to see larger things.

  6. Goldman Sachs has offices in China.  I think they have a large footprint there to make money off of their financial expertise.  It is not a secret.  In fact that is what globalization is supposed to accomplish, i.e., the efficient allocation of labor and resources.  We have a major market in the insurance business of Japan through Aflac.  We have interests in profits from the sales of GM motor vehicles in Europe.   If the wish is to tell the world that we have to return to an agricultural economy then the U.S. is going to be net loser.   I do not follow your concern that BUD has been bid for by Inbev.   Yes, "we" do want to vote for McCain.  He may be the oldest by birth certificate but his ideas are 21st century.  The U.S. is not going to return to a Detroit with a future.  It has been in significant decline in its population since 1950.  Captial cannot be ruled by church and union laws. If not alllowed to flow to its highest return the world will surely die.  Forget the polar bear.  People will starve if we return to an isolationist economic policy.    

  7. InBev are an efficient and profitable company, Anhauser-Busch have let themselves become old fashioned, inefficient and produce low profits.

    InBev will market Bud all over the world, they want it to be a brand that is recognized everywhere, like Coke or Nike.

    They will also import some decent Belgian beers into the US, which is good news for all beer lovers.

    This news IS good for the US economy since they will increase profits, create jobs and guarantee a successful future for the Bud brand.

  8. Even American models and film stars working abroad, are asking to be paid in Euros.  But not to worry - we're not hiring any beer wives or their husbands.  Gobama!

  9. Check out Obama using the campaign dollars you donated to promote China as being a better place for business than the US:

  10. The shareholders of the company decided to sell because they made a fortune from the sale. McCain's wife had no say in it.

    But if your really upset about this you should look at all the technology transfers to Communist China that took place during the final years of the Clinton administation. Many companies that contributed large amounts to his re-election fund were allowed to sell aircraft technology, sensitive computer equipment and covert networking technology to the Chinese

  11. Well, you need to worry because if Obama is elected most of our huge corporations will be forced to go overseas. He plans to tax them right out of this country. Smart you think? I think not.

    Vote Smart!

    Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

    Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

  12. no wonder we are going broke.

  13. Obama wants to destroy all US based business both large corporations and small business with his tax to death ideas. You do not punish the business that is supplying the jobs but lib/dems are h**l bent on socialism and redistribution of wealth to satisfy a continuing growing welfare class to keep the vote buy and it ain't going to work. Even some dems have economics education and should be able to figure this out but they have these delusional socialist ideas that cloud their vision and thinking. Incentives should be given to business to keep them producing and supporting the job market. Obama needs to take up his family profession and go back to Kenya and do some goat herding. And take Michelle with him.........

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