
Americans : does the lack of a "right" to bear arms in many other countries surprise you?

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To make that clear : "to have guns"




  1. with all of the violence in the world it doesn't suprise me but I am glad america has orginizations in plsce to protect that right for us.

  2. It was read wrong they meant bear arms as in the animal bear

    Edit everyone in the US has the right to own a pair of bear arms to hang up in their home

  3. i aint no yank so why is you askin me?

  4. i am only glad that i live in UK where we do not have the right to bear arms, though illegal guns are seeping into our culture.

    From info in The New York Times, stats for the Year 2007

    there are on average 81 deaths per day from guns, this is in reply to the people who think that because it's written in

    the Constitution its OK, well i'd  like to think that those people who have died as a result of being shot, or who perhaps killed themselves,  were happy that the Constitution should be writ in stone.

  5. not really

    who wants to live in a society that is so messed up that citizens have to bear arms to protect themselves from each other?

    i liked being able to go to school or to the mall knowing i wouldnt get shot dead

    america has higher rate of deaths by gunfire than any other industrialised country

    america has the problem, not the countries without guns

  6. You are not in the middle ages anymore

  7. I am suprised that that part of the constitution has not been repealed. I think it may have been attractive when everyone was fitter and maybe thinner, but its not pretty to see fat people walking about in sleeveless t-shirts and vests. Sometimes they have chicken wing arms. No.. cover them up, Americans, wear sleeves!!!

  8. Well, it doesn't look like many "Americans" answered your question, so I guess I will.

    I live in Virginia; not  too far from Virginia Tech.

    We are not "surprsied" by the lack of a right to bear arms in other countries. We rarely even think about it. Our right to bear arms is enshrined in our Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the US, and is rarely changed. After the Dunblane tragedy, guns were banned in the UK; but they still have a significant amount of gun violence. Criminals do not obey the law; they will obtain guns and use them ilegally while law abiding citizens are restricted. Most Americans believe that is wrong. If someone wants to kill you, they will use anything they can get their hands on; don't you have a significant amount of knife violence in the UK? Are you planning to ban knives anytime soon? Of course not. A gun is a tool; it cannot function on it's own. There are laws in place which serve to keep those with unstable backgrounds from obtaining guns legally; those are the laws that should be made stricter. There is nothing to be confused about with the second amendment; "in order to form a well regulated militia the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." That means, just in case we ever need to form a militia, the people should already be and remain armed. We are armed, and ready. Try to understand that most of us are responsible gun owners who enjoy hunting, and recreational shooting/marksmanship. The actions of a few lunatics should not be used to punish the rest of us. Also try to understand, that either we uphold ALL of the Constitution or NONE of it.

  9. I call it Homer Simpson mentality:

    "Hey in USA one person every minute is murdered by a fire arm..... What to do..... What to do..... What to do.....

    I got it !!!!! lets make more fire arms spread them around so every moron and their sister can have a dozen of them. That will show them for sure


  10. i find it more surprising that americans have the right to bear arms,so any deranged individual can purchase fire arms,and annihilate lives in a school,campus or shopping mall,as has been tragically proved time and time again.......whats even more surprising is that it keeps happening.

  11. The thing is their beloved constitution doesn't state every gun toting American has the right to do so - it gives them the right to an armed milita - ie an army with guns.

  12. Every country should have the right to bear arms...actually I have never thought about the issue...thank-you for making me think.

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